[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XkZuqF9.png[/img][/center] [quote]Lithe and graceful at an exceptional 5’11, Ying Yue’s slender form is very much that of an aristocratic young lady. Her creamy complexion is faultless, contrasting beautifully with the steady warmth of her mahogany eyes. Though once done up with countless precious hair ornaments, her silky, dark hair is now restrained only with a red, braided cord. Her fingers are uncallused, a sure sign of someone who has never worked a day of her life, while her build almost appears frail at times, hardly any significant muscle built up. Yet, despite such a sheltered appearance, Ying Yue is no wilting willow. Her countenance remains strong, her gaze direct. And the many who encounter her are left with the strangest impression. That of a great tree, frozen in the instant that brilliant lightning struck it.[/quote][center][h1][color=FF7F50]Y[/color]ing [color=FF7F50]Y[/color]ue [color=FF7F50]G[/color]eng[/h1][sub]17 y/o | Fujian, China. 1643 Level 1 | 7500 HP | 100 MP STR 800 | END 750 | INT 200 | AGI 1500 | DEX 1250 | LCK 500[/sub][/center] [color=FF7F50][u][b]Acquired Skills[/b][/u][/color] [i]Translator LVL 1[/i][indent][sub]Enables understanding of all languages.[/sub][/indent] [i]Noble Pedigree LVL 1[/i][indent][sub]Exudes an aura of charisma and authority befitting one of noble birth.[/sub][/indent] [i]Martial Intuition LVL 1[/i][indent][sub]Quickens reflexes when in danger and grants instinctual understanding of other individuals’ combative capabilities.[/sub][/indent] [color=FF7F50][u][b]Extra Skills[/b][/u][/color] [i]Kaireth’s Blessing: All Weapon Mastery[/i][indent][sub]Enables user to wield all types of weapon at its 100% potential regardless of mastery. Further leveling up this skill will unlock a sub-skill Weapon Copy, allowing the user to make a replica of any weapon they come in to contact with.[/sub][/indent] [color=FF7F50][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color] There is a haughtiness that exudes out from Ying Yue, a condescension that comes to her as natural as breathing. Her world, after all, was one of conflict and privilege, where the lives of the lesser are traded for prosperity and monuments. But rather than being malicious, the child is simply ignorant, having lived her entire life in her father’s estate, her only moments of freedom found in visiting her betrothed’s own estate. Her points of contact were her family and her servants, the former to be respected, the latter to be commanded, and, in one way or the other, Ying Yue remains emotionally stunted and repressed. But, sheltered, ignorant, and tactless as she is, something bright still blazes within her, fed by the stories written down upon the scrolls she’s had to smuggle into her private study. A heart of that rages against injustice, a heart that fights for the powerless. The heart of a naïve child, who wishes to make the world a better place with nothing more than their fist and their spirit. Just like the heroes of yore. Just like a fantasy dreamt up in a fever. [color=FF7F50][u][b]Short Backstory[/b][/u][/color] The world had changed, continues to change, and will change in the future, but from her birth to her sudden death, Ying Yue’s life saw little of it. The eldest daughter of a middling aristocrat, her beautiful mahogany eyes were the only thing that elevated her above her siblings, and she was cared for like a doll in return. Feet bound to fit tiny, dainty slippers, watched and supervised day and night to prevent any accidents that would leave a mark, Ying Yue lived in isolation, her strange loneliness broken only when she became old enough to be betrothed, her aristocratic boredom dispersed only by the books she snuck out from a servant’s room. Trashy, tasteless, violent books for the proles, sensational and with no educative value, but entertaining books nonetheless. She drowned in those stories, filling her mind with stupid thoughts and dreams, fantasies of a world beyond the walls of her family’s estate, away from the designs of her ambitious father and her distant mother. Mere phantasms, flights of imagination to distract her from the life that continued barreling thoughtlessly towards her. One hazy, summer day, feverish and parched, Ying Yue dreamed of a world where she could be free and she never woke up again.