[centre][hider=BirchClan NPCs] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200905/37b9f56f16dbbfb1b81dd88224e075c6.png[/img] [hr] [hider=IrisStar] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/81/0b/f6810bc5c3f8d2230a824404636f2409.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=9AA883][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]IrisStar[/color] [color=9AA883][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]85 Moons[/color] [color=9AA883][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]Tom[/color] [hr] [color=9AA883][b][u]Clan[/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]BirchClan[/color] [color=9AA883][b][u]Rank[/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]Leader[/color] [hr] [color=9AA883][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]A large, bulky tomcat with an athletic and imposing figure, built for prowess over slenderness, IrisStar is identifiable by his stature alone: a blend of white and silver-patched thickend fur. With sharp green glares and an eerie presence about his stature, he never seems bothered over his weathered moons and fatigued expressions. As a tom who'd seen countless come and go, his stoic grin transformed from a posture of kindness to an exclamation of power and confidence over his contemporaries, matched with the steady but clear voice that he shares. [/color] [color=9AA883][b][u]Short Description[/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]Once known as IrisClaw, he's become notorious as a voice of reason and opportunity for countless moons, thriving under the reputation of being headstrong, clear-cut and measured by merit over rank. A previously younger self was known to have been free-loving, empowered by his friendships beyond the borders of the clan. Yet as battles came about and he was exposed to the cruelty of the valley, IrisClaw soon turned to emphasising his own clan's survival over the rest. Exposed as a deputy to and early Leader's death, the newfound IrisStar rose with little experience in leadership and boundless strides forward. Now holding power over the largest clan of the valley, he has become a figure of contest against other clancats with a strong dedication to those who preserve BirchClan's livelihood. Honourable to his own, questionable to outsiders and mateless overall, he dedicates himself to his rank with the indiscriminate belittlement of the others, if they so dare threaten his own. All beneath his past transition from happiness to hardiness has given many plenty to talk about. Controversial, respected and inconspicuous even to a few of his own, IrisStar plays the strategist in all walks of life, to no cost of his own cats.[/color] [/hider] [hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200905/9d6571abc0f08867246a4105aa910500.png[/img] [hr] [hider=HoneyFoot][img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/ginger-cat-forest-ginger-cat-sitting-forest-green-grass-trees-108228590.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=E4E833][b]Name:[/b][/color] HoneyFoot [color=E4E833][b]Age:[/b][/color] 64 Moons [color=E4E833][b]Gender:[/b][/color] She [color=E4E833][b]Clan:[/b][/color] BirchClan [color=E4E833][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Senior Warrior [color=E4E833][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A tender looking ginger she-cat with bright amber eyes and a sleek fur coat. [color=E4E833][b]Short Description:[/b][/color] HoneyFoot has lived a life of mixed emotions. To begin with, she was sprightly, energetic and far too active for her own good, commonly taking on tasks way beyond her ability to appease those around her. Dedication to her clan spawned such effort, of course. Eventually, life calmed down when she united with her mate, ThornBack, and was given the gift of maternity. She matured, reassuring her boundaries and levelling herself to be a competent mother until they needed her no more. A string of misfortunes, however, changed her once more. The death of ThornBack via illness came first. Then, the hard hitting departure of BranchPaw under the influence of a cat she called manipulative and deceitful to the peace. Finally, two moons ago, NewtFoot was found death inexplicably. The alluring and sultriness of HoneyFoot has now been showered with an underlining turmoil, fuelled by anger and a incredible distrust for those that threaten the clan and the integrity of her own family. [/hider] [hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200905/2a34462a831ae1faf358fafc594f2237.png[/img] [hr] [hider=ReedCoat][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/dd/2b/0cdd2b27ccf7b543a71df4459af5d910.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=08C114][b]Name:[/b][/color] ReedCoat [color=08C114][b]Age:[/b][/color] 22 Moons [color=08C114][b]Gender:[/b][/color] She [color=08C114][b]Clan:[/b][/color] BirchClan [color=08C114][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Warrior [color=08C114][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Bland, murky brown she-cat bearing her brother's colours and her mother's eyes. [color=08C114][b]Short Description:[/b][/color] Inadequacy had besieged ReedCoat's life since she was a kit. The competitive nature of her kin made it hard for her to realise her own capabilities, leaving her in the background of other's accomplishments. However, she felt comfortable settling for mediocrity, finding that being a reasonable contributor to clan life and thus never one to be complained or idolised by the others. Despite this, she is endowed with the skills of a climber, showing wit in her ability to scale obstructions with relative competence. She, unlike her family, is lenient towards her brother's supposed betrayal and tries her hardest to talk at meetings, even if the chains are rusted. [/hider] [hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200906/bed564db2cddf9a0761756b36eaac25e.png[/img] [hr] [hider=AshTongue][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/m2wa2wtXu2WHDj3iBh21FwFe8yvDy9Y9bnduwKbkf5BrnsTrQjLup1Gc1yzBmgnHakMs2who9uehEbjzlA[/img] [hr] [color=7473AD][b]Name:[/b][/color] AshTongue [color=7473AD][b]Age:[/b][/color] 22 Moons [color=7473AD][b]Gender:[/b][/color] She [color=7473AD][b]Clan:[/b][/color] BirchClan [color=7473AD][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Warrior [color=7473AD][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A standout, greyish athletic she-cat with an familiar yet darker amber eyes. [color=7473AD][b]Short Description:[/b][/color] AshTongue was always known as the competitive one of her litter. Seeking out the expectations of her family and clanmates around her, she is known to have put herself through strenuous and often unqualified situations for the sake of learning. Improving upon herself is a drive. Equally, she utilises a certain affinity of enticement to try and capture her mother's charm, commonly testing her popularity on the toms around her. AshTongue still holds bitter resentment toward her brother BranchFall simply for the personal betrayal she feels, seeing his as weak to the wills of dissenting cats harming the clan's cause. Thus, she avoids him at meetings at most costs. Equally, she is prone to enacting the will of the clan and its leadership, regardless of their sometimes uncertain interests. [/hider] [/hider][/centre] [centre][hider=MistClan NPCs] [hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200905/2dae9172d58a7dc61422e660135d95df.png[/img] [hr] [hider=BadgerLurk][img]https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/c0cxGPo1X1YodCJ_vtuNjI4K2wU=/1481x1481/smart/filters:no_upscale()/twenty20_22873dec-17d2-4f1e-b76d-e0f9e45c7cc0-5b2d38921d6404003757e9af.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=60665E][b]Name:[/b][/color] BadgerLurk [color=60665E][b]Age:[/b][/color] 31 Moons [color=60665E][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Tom [color=60665E][b]Clan:[/b][/color] MistClan [color=60665E][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Warrior [color=60665E][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A mostly black tom with pale-white paws, alongside an equally white back-left leg, and sandy eyes. [color=60665E][b]Short Description:[/b][/color] Willingly relaxed, BadgerLurk only really seems to act at full ability when it needs for him to do so. Otherwise, he's quite a chilled-out warrior, taking more of a liking to talking an getting to know those around him than dabble in the seriousness of a warrior's life. Despite this he's still fairly consistent to the code and to the clan, known to step up effectively if cats are in preventable danger. [/hider] [hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200906/f0ac665b3401f7211dd0819fac804f74.png[/img] [hr] [hider=HailEye][img]https://live.staticflickr.com/3273/2901748632_796b15826b_b.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=965A9B][b]Name:[/b][/color] HailEye [color=965A9B][b]Age:[/b][/color] 29 Moons [color=965A9B][b]Gender:[/b][/color] She [color=965A9B][b]Clan:[/b][/color] MistClan [color=965A9B][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Warrior [color=965A9B][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A snow-white she with patches of black across her back, tail and paw, finished with little green eyes. [color=965A9B][b]Short Description:[/b][/color] Bubbly in personality, HailEye is known to go about her day talking in a tender and caring manner. She's a deeply concerned and anxious cat with a slight worry in her pronunciation. And whilst she's not the best warrior around, nor the most consistent in her actions, she is at least prone to being upset for others' well-beings. Such concern can make her ample in sharp yet philanthropic in her decision-making. Overall, she's an easy conversationalist and a regular listener to the problems of others if they so want her presence. [/hider] [/hider][/centre]