[hider=Meadow Mayflower] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200905/86e53e5a12951010877033245f6d1872.png[/img] [color=FFF0B6]Penelope Helene Mayflower [/color] [img]https://www.caa.com/sites/default/files/styles/headshot_500x500/public/2019-11/Maya-Hawke.jpg?itok=HvghwT3x[/img] [b][color=FFF0B6]ELUSIVE ✸ ETHEREAL ✸GRACEFUL[/color][/b] (FC: Maya Hawke; Dialogue: [color=FFF0B6]FFF0B6[/color]) [color=FFF0B6]"None of us know what we’re doing but we do beautiful things anyway”[/color] - [i]Allen Ginsberg[/i] [b][color=FFF0B6]Nickname[/color][/b] Meadow (What she goes by) Penny (Only by those closest to her) Penelope Pitstop (Formerly) [b][color=FFF0B6]Age and Birthday[/color][/b] 17; 20th April [b][color=FFF0B6]Gender[/color][/b] Non-Binary (They/Them) Female (Pre Experiment) [b][color=FFF0B6]Sexuality[/color][/b] Pansexual [b][color=FFF0B6]Animal Identity[/color][/b] Deer [b][color=FFF0B6]Personality[/color][/b] The Untamed Experiment is key in the life of this young person. Where as Penelope was one way, Meadow as they are now known is another. Meadow is a bit of an enigma in that one can never truly be sure where they are coming from because they likely don’t really know themselves. Meadow is a bit of a space case; they are easily distracted and enamoured by the world that surrounds them; be it situational or interpersonal. They love people, they love to talk, they love to learn, they love to love and they love to do bad things but if someone ever bores them, then by god they will vanish from their life because they have no time for that nonsense. Meadow is one with nature and could watch water run, fire burn and wind blow for hours on end. A practitioner of Wicca, they believe in a power higher than the self and can often be found tending to their plants or messing around with their tarot cards. An idealist; they live within the confines of black and white with very little room in there for shades of grey. Meadow hopes for a better world through hard work and going back to the land rather than looking to the cold machine driven future. They do not compromise on their views and are more than willing to argue their point of view which can often lead to people perceiving them as having a holier than thou attitude when in reality they are just passionate. Flirtatious and loving, gender and sexual orientation are certainly not taboo subjects for Meadow. They love for the sake of loving, whomever they decide they want at any given time is simply that, who they want, male, female, transgender or however they identify doesn’t matter. Despite Meadow’s search for love, they are an elusive force that is difficult to pin down as such one cannot ever truly know them unless they want them to. They are a chaotic being hiding behind a mask of grace and beauty. [b][color=FFF0B6]Habits/Quirks/Fun Facts[/color][/b] [color=FFF0B6]✸Did somebody say yoga?[/color] [color=FFF0B6]✸Coffee is God[/color] [color=FFF0B6]✸Likes to hand out tarot cards as a conversation starter[/color] [color=FFF0B6]✸Has a tendency to forget words so simply replaces what they have forgotten with the word shway[/color] [color=FFF0B6]✸Leaves sticky notes everywhere to remind her of everything[/color] [color=FFF0B6]✸French is their native tongue and when frustrated or just distracted and slip back into speaking it[/color] [b][color=FFF0B6]Dreams[/color][/b] Save the world or run her own coffee shop. Either or. [b][color=FFF0B6]Likes/Dislikes[/color][/b] [color=FFF0B6]✔[/color] Nature [color=FFF0B6]✔[/color] Any Acoustic Music [color=FFF0B6]✔[/color] Coffee [color=FFF0B6]✔[/color] Anything Ginger flavoured [color=FFF0B6]✘[/color] Meat [color=FFF0B6]✘[/color] Aggressiveness [color=FFF0B6]✘[/color] People who wear glasses as a fashion accessory [color=FFF0B6]✘[/color] Repeating themselves [b][color=FFF0B6]Fears[/color][/b] Meadow has a tremendous fear of sharp things, specifically needles and blades. They often have nightmares of jagged sharp teeth gnawing at their legs and stomach. [b][color=FFF0B6]History Pre-Memory Loss (TRIGGER WARNING - Sexual Abuse[/color][/b] In a city such as Paris, beauty can be found anywhere. On a stormy April eve, beauty could be found illuminated by the lights of the Eiffel Tower in a quiet private hospital where a gorgeous blue eyed baby girl was born to F1 Tycoon Jean-Paul Posey and his model girlfriend Britt Mayflower. They named her Penelope and from the moment she entered the world, it was known to all that she would want for nothing...nothing except the love of her family which she would never ever receive. Penelope grew up hard and fast; the family constantly moved around thanks to her father's job meaning that Penny rarely could establish any lasting connections with anyone. Her biggest connection to her parents was being forced into beauty pageants by her mother and the odd few races she was allowed to attend with her father (for a photo op of course). Things finally began to slow down slightly for Penelope as she entered her teen years as the family settled in New Orleans. Unfortunately these changes weren’t all positive. As she grew, so did the abuse she had been receiving from her father for years. As she and her body matured, her father's late night trips to her room became more and more frequent. It made her hate being a woman sometimes. The only break she had was her growing friendship with a wild child called Violet; a friendship that would have long lasting consequences for her. Violet was Penny’s escape and through her influence or maybe just through the confidence she gave her, the heiress began to explore the world through a new lense. She distanced herself from her family and began to evolve into a new version of herself or should they say themself? Penelope began the transformation into Meadow. As Meadow continued to grow into their new identity; her “loving” father’s disdain grew exponentially. The person that used to be his daughter was now something else, a disgrace that he did not understand or even want to begin to understand. Meadow had all but become emancipated from her family by the time she turned seventeen. They lived in the same house but they did not speak or appear in public together anymore. Most of Meadow’s time was now spent with Violet where they spent a majority of that time trying to calm the raging fire that was her best friend. Then one evening; Violet didn’t turn up for their nightly sojourn. Weeks went by and there was no sign of their confidant. Finding enough was enough, Meadow headed out on their own personal search. It was out on this search when Meadow was accosted by some men and pulled into a van where the next chapter in their story commenced... [b][color=FFF0B6]Extra Information[/color][/b] Doughnuts. Next question.[/center][/hider]