[color=fff79a][b][h3]Verge[/h3][/b][/color] [b]Present day[/b] [i]Pacific Point, CA[/i] The happy chirping of birds rung in the ears of a young man, who were dressed in a tan suit. He sat perched upon a large boulder overlooking the wilderness outside of Los Angeles. The sun beamed with a light that could contend with that of his own, at least that was what he believed. Without that shining light in the sky, the world would be a cold and dead place devoid of any life. A frozen wasteland. He had to view himself akin to that of the sun, a preserver of the natural world, a protector of life itself. A line of ants made their way below the boulder he sat upon, he had watched them for hours, how they were able despite their size to carry such large things over their backs and with their comerades helping them, all serving under their queen. There had been small mammals passing by every now and then aswell, some foraging for food, others being preyed upon by snakes or other carnivores. But such events were common in the natural world, there would always be something chasing you, even if you were an apex predator you would someday be overcome by something else as evolution is constant. Just like he had done. Humankind had long been the apex predator of the world, constantly pressing it's borders and consuming what stood in their path. Like the mammoths or the dodo bird who were brought to extinction because of them. While there had been things which humankind had created that were of good, it could not excuse the bad things to the young man. Music was a thing he enjoyed, sweet melodies of various kinds. But no matter how sweet a melody is, eventually it comes to an end and the reality once again makes itself known. The ever hungry darkness, which would threaten to devour everything. Some humans sought refuge in music, books, games or in tales and stories to occupy their minds. Others found their aid in drinking, to momentarily dullen the present and to cloud the past creeping up behind. The thing you could never change, the desire so many felt that if they could only turn back time they would make things differently. But what if they could not? What if they would make the same mistakes again? As he pondered on human nature as he knew it, he was brought out of his thoughts by the silence of the birds, the small mammals running away and then a rumbling in the earth. Something was happening. The young man, Milliard, rose up on the boulder to which he had sat upon to look what was causing it. In the distance a large wave of water... no... a wave of death was approaching the city of Los Angeles. Was this a sign that humankind had to perish? He had felt it before though, the urge to bring their destruction... to finally sever the chain of on-going wars that had plagued the world for so long. [color=fff79a][b]"The earth is screaming... it wants me to grant it's wish."[/b][/color] He said softly, looking to the sky above momentarily before getting up on his feet. The young man proceeded to lift his right hand to his chest, where a bright light began to form within his palm and soon entered into his very form. Out of the young man's back rose spectral looking, wings of golden light and he began to hover away from his boulder up into the air, his gaze towards the city of Los Angeles in the distance. Milliard soon after flew off into the air with remarkable speed, raising himself in elevation mid-flight to avoid disturbing the animal life on the ground. Upon reaching the city's border he could see the large wave of water clash against what seemed to be a shield, a supernaturally created shield by the looks of it, unless the humans had technology to have such a thing. The barrier had repelled the wave, but the surrounding area outside of the city had still been subject to the relentless force of the water. What had caused this to happen? And who or what had raised that shield in defense of the city? That place were in no need of saving. The young man hovered above the barrier, searching for who or what was projecting it. Perhaps he could find someone who could explain what had just happened, for the damage done to the area surrounding the city. All the forestation and wildlife that had perished because of it and that barrier. Someone had to pay. Dearly. Justice must be done.