[hider=Mistclan NPCs] [hider=Kestrelclaw] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b7/George%2C_a_perfect_example_of_a_tuxedo_cat.jpg/220px-George%2C_a_perfect_example_of_a_tuxedo_cat.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Kestrelclaw Age: 45 Moons Gender: Male Clan: Mistclan Rank: Warrior Appearance: Lean black and white tom with yellow eyes Short Description: Overprotective and hardworking, Kestrelclaw takes great care with the cats that he holds dear, especially his sister, Silverflight, who is the only family he has left. He feels nothing but pride for her and tries to help out wherever he can to make her job, and their leaders, easier. The rest of his history is the same as Silverflight. [/hider] [hider=Mosswing] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://usercontent1.hubstatic.com/14044192_f1024.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Mosswing Age: 49 Moons Gender: Female Clan: Mistclan Rank: Queen Appearance: White and ginger she-cat with amber eyes Short Description: When she was a warrior she was mostly known for her ferocity and wit until she fell hard for Ravensong shortly after he arrived in Mistclan. Stumbling, awkward, and entirely uncertain of how to express her feelings it took a great deal of time for her to finally admit her feelings. Once she did and had her first litter, her roughened edges softened a bit and she proved to be a good mother to all of her kits. [/hider] [hider=Ravensong] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qfM16o7TCTU/T42o7SJbRLI/AAAAAAAABCk/B6qgIOVDLww/s1600/nikko.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Ravensong Age: 48 Moons Gender: Male Clan: Mistclan Rank: Warrior Appearance: Black tom with a splash of white on his chest and green eyes Short Description: A former rogue who detested the rough and bloody life that they had to lead, and eventually slipped away to escape from that life. After a fair amount of travel he stumbled across the clans, but didn't join at first and instead kept to himself around the Twoleg dens while observing the goings on of clan life. Eventually he was caught by a Mistclan patrol and rather than run he asked to join. Soft-spoken and kind he is almost the exact opposite of his mate Mosswing. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Smokeheart-Duskclan NPC] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6749/7e1f95519cb55f75a642288a3af7e571fdb1d860v2_00.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Smokeheart Age: 12 Moons Gender: Male Clan: Duskclan Rank: Warrior Appearance: A dark colored tabby with white paws and underbelly and pale green eyes Short Description: Born along with his siblings Cinderkit and Darkkit, Smokekit immediately tried to be a mediator between his two other siblings. A naturally calm yet forceful personality allowed him to push back against their bigger sister. Though keeping Cinderkit from being too rough with their brother was not an easy task, and clearly his pleas went unheeded as Cinderpaw permanently scarred Darkpaw during a training session. While upset at what she did Smokepaw still does his best to keep on friendly terms with his sister. He spends more of his time around Darkspots than Cinderblaze, but he is still trying to get his siblings to reconcile one day. Smokeheart is an adept hunter and fighter, but he prefers to keep to the shadows and avoid confrontation as much as he can. [/hider]