[h3][i]Lenox Hill Hospital New York City, New York, USA July 7th, 2023 12:25PM EDT[/i][/h3] Caty was relieved to see her brother Danny and was even more relieved when the shooter didn't fire again. She had a feeling he wouldn't stay with the rifle once the element of surprise was gone. He'd want to finish it personally and she didn't intend to give him the opportunity. Before she could answer her brother's questions about the shooting she noticed something was wrong with him. He was having similar in a way to hers. Was he sensing danger or was it something else? She didn't feel anything. Her mental questions were answered with Danny mentioning he now seemed to have perfect vision. [color=0244FB]"It might have something to do with my ability to now sense danger. Look out bad guys, here comes 20/20 and Hindsight."[/color] She doubted that was the full extent of their powers or that her brother's perfect sight was a side effect of the Terrigenesis, but now wasn't the time to theorize about their developing abilities. She pulled out her phone to check for service. She had zero bars. She wasn't sure if it was because of the hospital being a notoriously bad area for cell service or if their would be assassin had anything to do with it. [color=0244FB]"We need to call the police, but I'm not getting any service. I don't want to cause a mass panic in this hospital so I don't think we should tell the staff. Right now they're only after us. I don't want to put anyone else in their path. Let's head to the roof."[/color] Caty turned her head to David and gave him a solemn look. She hated that they had to leave him, but she knew a moving target was a higher priority than a comatose one. She mentally promised him they'd be back and headed out of the room looking back to make sure Danny followed. When they reached the nearest stairwell she opened it and managed to go up one flight before her head started ringing again just like it did earlier. She looked up to see a man in an all black outfit and skull cap and in his hand was a gun with a silencer attached to the end. If it wasn't for this new sense of hers she wouldn't have been able to hear it fire. He aimed the gun down at her and pulled the trigger. In a quick movement she pushed Danny back with a bit more strength than she intended to and jumped over the rail into the level below. [color=0244FB]"Danny, come on!"[/color]