[center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmU4ZGRmZS5aV1JsYmlCc2IyTnJhR0Z5ZEEsLC4w/james-fajardo.regular.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cW8dLTf.png[/img] [hr][/center][color=#dfd6ff][b]location:[/b][/color] wisteria cottage | [color=#dfd6ff][b]time:[/b][/color] morning | [color=#dfd6ff][b]interaction with:[/b][/color] no one[hr] Much like the chainsaw-wielding villain of a slasher film, a ditzy girl burst into the room with a kick of the door. She immediately spewed forth a flurry of enthusiastic theatrics with an immense amount of energy that left Eden speechless. There was hardly an opportunity for Eden to react or interject between the girl’s frenzied manner of speaking, and before Eden even blinked, the storm came and went. [color=#dfd6ff]“I-”[/color] Eden stared at the now agape door in absolute disbelief. [color=#dfd6ff][i]You’re kidding me right?[/i][/color] Her peaceful summer break full of photography and relaxation concluded with what felt like a slap in the face—a wake-up call if you will. She let a moment of silence linger to mourn the passing of her short-lived summer break. None of the newcomers gave her a great impression so far, so she didn’t have high hopes for the school year. Begrudgingly, Eden tossed her comforter to the side and slid out of bed slowly, as if her body were too heavy to lift. She grabbed a pair of black yoga pants that were draped over her chair and shifted them up her legs. From what Eden understood, it appeared Idette wanted her to help welcome the newcomers, but her frenetic messenger hardly bothered to wait for Eden to accept or decline the request. As far as Eden was concerned, welcoming the newbies was none of her concern and she wasn’t interested in playing along with what felt like an order from a tactless kid. As Eden hobbled down the steps to the common area, she could still smell the fading aroma of coffee from the kitchen. The scent was enticing—with only two hours of sleep on her plate, she was sure she would need it. She had no intention of helping with cottage orientation, but she figured with all the commotion going around she wouldn’t have the chance to sleep more either way. Her eyes glanced at the door to Nathaniel’s room as she passed by on her way to the kitchen. His door was closed, but he must’ve been busy anyway if he gave Idette the task of tour guide for the day. It was a shame, she enjoyed seeing him even if he was lecturing her half the time. In Eden’s opinion, he had a promising career as a model if he ever got tired of dealing with kids.