[h3][i]Lenox Hill Hospital New York City, New York, USA July 7th, 2023 12:27PM EDT[/i][/h3] Caty was shocked to see Danny repeat the same leap over the rail that she did. Her brother wasn't the athletic type and had no training in acrobatics. Did the terrigenesis give him some enhanced agility? She wondered if these were all connected to one ability or if they were getting several. And if something similar was happening to the others affected by the mist. She'd love to take the time to think this all over but unfortunately, she didn't. She took a second to think about Danny's question. They couldn't go up and she wasn't sure how far they'd get before he managed to catch up to them. They only had one option. [color=0244FB]"Danny, I want you to run. Run outside and find the nearest officer. I'm going to hold him off. I'm starting to get the hang of this danger sense thing. I promise I'll catch up with you."[/color] She didn't want to tell him that she wanted to test out a theory she was working on. Whatever they were going to do it needed to happen fast as the man was starting to descend down the stairs.