[quote=@Stormflyx] Hello Mishrael, it's great to meet you! I'm Stormflyx but most people call me Storm or Stormy. I think quite a few of us on here have used Gaia before, myself included when I was a lot younger than I am now hehehe. <: I'm sure there will be something you can find on our site if you just have a good enough luck. I'm mostly a fandom roleplayer myself, and play Elder Scrolls games but I think they offer a [i]lot[/i] of freedom in terms of developing and creating a character - and really pushing out something fun and creative with the source material. Who would you say would be your favourite character that you've ever written, and why? Looking forward to seeing you around! [/quote] Ah if it sounded as if I meant that [i]all[/i] fandom RPs were restrictive, I'm sorry for the confusion. And I suppose I wasn't exactly clear to begin with. I'm mostly talking about RPs that ask players to fill out a predetermined cast list, especially when that cast list includes canonical MCs from their respective fandom. And what I meant was more that I'd rather not attempt to adapt to a role, instead I'd rather create a role... if that makes sense. I dunno exactly how to explain what I mean without like pointing to an example, but then again, I suppose I can just avoid what I don't want to do... lol. I feel like my initial attempt to explain this was a bit pretentious and probably moot, since I can just avoid what I don't like and I don't have to drag a whole genre to do that... lol Favorite characters... Mostly OCs. I've got a storyworld I've been building for a while, and plenty of characters to choose from there. Lately, I've been thinking of a particular character that's an assassin, or well a reformed assassin... It really depends on what part of the timeline I'm drawing inspiration from. It's a fantasy setting, and she's a half-elf with the obligatory edgelord past, but I think there's enough nuance to make it work in a way that's not too cliche. And she doesn't play like the typical edgelord either, she's not especially broody, or snarky. She's quiet, but it's more because she doesn't get noticed all that often, she's pragmatic and does what needs to be done when it needs to be done. She's not a fan of the dramatic flare. but yeah, that's at least a peek at one of my OCs