[centre][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-mk4/images/3/3b/Afc6efa58bae4f9c3be8ed679a7ac131.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20200229065521[/img] [h2]Gibbou[/h2] & Oraelia [/centre] [hr] A thunder-like sensation greeted Gibbou as she opened her crusted eyes. Her saliva tasted sickly, and there wasn’t enough of it to wet her dry mouth. Even though the night was her element, she could barely see anything around her. She welcomed the darkness, though - sunlight was the last thing she needed now. She dragged her hand down her face, her thumb smudging something sticky at the corner of her mouth. She slowly brought her hand to her nose and gave it a whiff. She groaned. [colour=lightblue]“... I did it again…”[/colour] she lamented and rolled over onto her belly to push herself up. Staggering forward and pushing into a wall, she barely stabilised herself to some approximation of upright standing. Unable to handle the taste in her mouth, she snapped her fingers and conjured forth a glass of something akin to what she had had the day before, but altered the taste a little so she wouldn’t, well, do onto the floor what she had done to her shirt. The flavour stung still, but already minutes later, it had begun to dull the aches in her body. She dumped herself in a sofa with a bottle to refill her glass, leaned over to the side to smell the pillows and then recentred herself - stretching herself as tall as possible to avoid the stink. To take her mind off of the chaos that was her dome, she looked down at Galbar below, hoping to catch some sights of the ongoings of mortality. [colour=lightblue]“Eeeey, the guys in that place took back that thing. Good for them!”[/colour] she cheered in a voice like single, continuous groan before downing the contents of her glass. As she swallowed, she pondered the situation. [colour=lightblue]”Actually, why not - let’s celebrate! Drinks for everyone!”[/colour] [hr] [sub][i]Meanwhile… Down in Fragrance…[/i][/sub] “Mommy? What’s that abandoned house?” whispered the small girl while pointing at a small shack in the corner of the marketplace. The mother shook her head slowly and clicked in an upset manner. “That’s the old flutemaker, sweety. His flutes were just too loud - nobody wanted to buy them.” Suddenly, there came a flash of lightning, striking the shack in a mighty beam. The mother and child, as well as everyone else in Fragrance, all dove for cover, some screaming, others praying. Then, as soon as the flash had come, it went, and in its place stood a tall, sturdy hut with a large, festive stall out front surrounded by odd-smelling pots. There stood a merchant there, who held aloft two cups that smelled like a punch to the face and said, “[abbr=A sweetened palm wine.][i]Kwut[/i][/abbr] here! Come get yer [i]kwut[/i]!” The mother and child stood there speechless. “By the gods,” whispered the mother and fell to her knees in prayer. The girl stuck her finger in her mouth and looked to the sky. “Mommy,” she whispered, “what is [i]kwut[/i]?” [hr] Gibbou gave her head a scratch. [colour=lightblue]”Nah, wait, was that it? Oh, pfft…”[/colour] She slapped her forehead a little too hard. [colour=lightblue]”Silly Gibby - that’sh the other place! Dumb-dumb… Here ya go - partay!”[/colour] [hr] [sub][i]That same moment, in Ha-Dûna...[/i][/sub] “Little more to the left! No, left, not-- yeah, yeah, there! Now slowly, SLOWLY lower it!” Dûnan glass was of world quality (especially considering they were among the very, very few in the world who actually made glass), and to make window panes for the temples was a task that required the utmost precision. It was bad enough that their workday had been extended long into the night - their groggy hands could barely maneuver the pane properly in the darkness. Suddenly, a lightning bolt from clear, moonlit sky struck the nearby palisade-in-construction at the edge of the city. The workers dove for cover. When they looked back up, they were shocked to find that It had been replaced by a tall stone wall, on top of which appeared fifty men and women. They were all anywhere from thick to chubby, had massive beards or bushy hair, and all carried pots under their arms. Suddenly one of them shouted, “Want some beer?” The workers looked at each other in horror, and more and more awoke and came out of their homes to witness the miracle, falling to their knees in prayer. “What in the gods’ names is ‘beer’?” asked the foreman before looking down. “Aaaaw, damn it, lads! You dropped the pane!” [hr] Gibbou snorted to herself. [colour=lightblue]”Heh, funny… Hey, Orey, I did a thing!””[/colour] Raising her glass in the air, she was only met with silence. She waited a second longer for a response. [colour=lightblue]”Yo, Orey? You here?”[/colour] Again, the dome was silent as the moon. She shambled to her feet and tripped over various misplaced objects on the floor before she finally made it to the door. Almost forgetting to properly close the inner hatch before opening the outer one, she eventually exited into the vacuum of space, the wine in her glass freezing over instantly. She gave it a frown and looked around with drunken worry. [colour=lightblue]”Sis? Ya here?”[/colour] she mumbled and gave her whiskey pop a lick. Searching in a daze, she shambled out of her portal and made her way to her sister’s. Once there, she tripped into the portal and faceplanted into the grass, groaning weakly at the unfairness of the world. It wasn't long before her sister's voice began to assault her ears, growing louder by the second. [Color=gold]"-bbou! Gibbou! I was wondering when you would show up. I'm sorry if I made you worry but It's all wonderful! My realm is secure and you'll never guess who is- Gibbou?"[/color] a quick pitter patter of feet and a moment later Oraelia knelt next to Gibbou, shrouding her in darkness as she always did in her realm. Two hands began picking her up around her chest and waist, as Oraelia lifted her up to a sitting position and leaned Gibbou against her. Oraelia's hands began to fix Gibbou’s hair as she began to fawn over her. [Color=gold]"Oh Gibbou, are you alright? What happened?"[/color] [colour=lightblue]”My existence…”[/colour] came a hopeless retort as the corpse-like goddess barely managed to turn her head to the side, one cheek resting heavily on her sister’s bosom. [colour=lightblue]”I messed up.”[/colour] Oraelia began to pour some life into Gibbou as she murmered, [color=gold]"Oh, we've been here before."[/color] She placed a kiss on Gibbou's forhead. [Color=gold]"What happened that makes you think you messed up Gibbou?"[/color] Gibbou gave a tearful sniff. [colour=lightblue]”I punched that bitch Neiya in the throat…”[/colour] [Color=gold]"You… Punched Neiya?"[/color] Oraelia said. [Color=gold]"How did this happened Gibbou? Are you okay? Are you alright? Did she hurt you?"[/color] Oraelia asked with a quickened voice as she began to look at Gibbou all over. [colour=lightblue]”No, I’m not okay. I’m useless, Orey!”[/colour] whimpered the blue goddess. [colour=lightblue]”I only hit her because she let me, and, and, and it wasn’t even in the throat; it was in the stomach! And then I, I lost and went home and had a drink and, and then another and…”[/colour] She curled up in Oraelia’s lap and droned quietly to herself. [colour=lightblue]”I need a hug.”[/colour] Oraelia obliged, wrapping her arms tight around Gibbou. She then leaned her head on hers and whispered, [color=gold]"Shh, shh. It's okay. You're not useless Gibbou, you stood up to her. That's more then any can say."[/color] [colour=lightblue]”But I loooost!”[/colour] whined the moon goddess and hiccuped. [Color=gold]"No, you survived and I'll count that as a win in my book."[/color] Oraelia cooed. [Color=gold]"I'm proud of you either way. I just… I just wish it wasn't so."[/color] Gibbou nuzzled up further against her sister and pouted. [colour=lightblue]”I just, I just couldn’t accept what she had done to you… I hated her - [i]hate[/i] her - but I couldn’t do anything. She’ll just be angry now - angry enough to mess up our stuff, I bet…”[/colour] She gagged somewhat. [colour=lightblue]”Ugh, I messed up so bad…”[/colour] Oraelia's embrace tightened. She did not respond right away but when she did, it was with a soft voice. [Color=gold]"No… I'll go and speak with her. See if we can come to an accord. Before you try and talk me out of it listen Gibbou, I told you a long time ago I would have to confront her eventually. To try and redeem her but I'm not sure if it'll be possible. It's not your fault at all, it's just what she's become. But I have to try, Gibbou. For you, for me, for Lucia and Sanya and every mortal everywhere. She won't attack me, I know this but if it does go bad, I will not hesitate to call for you. "[/color] Gibbou sniffed. [colour=lightblue]”Uh-huh,”[/colour] she cooed sadly. After a moment, she looked up at Oraelia with a raised brow. [colour=lightblue]”Wait, why’re you talking about Lucia? You haven’t mentioned her for millennia. And who’s Sanya?”[/colour] [Color=gold]"Oh please, it hasn't been that long. Only around… twenty or so years, but we made up. I still feel bad about that though."[/color] But she steeled herself and placed a fist into her palm. [Color=gold]"Come on, let's get you sobered up the old fashioned way. With a big breakfast!"[/color] She eyed Gibbou again. [Color=gold]"Hmm, we'll have to clean you up first though. You want to look good for your niece right?"[/color] she grinned. [colour=lightblue]”I don’t want anything to eat…”[/colour] Oraelia deflated a little. [Color=gold]"Well… You don't have to eat. Mortals do though. If you don't want to see them that's fine. Sanya is Lucia's lover, she's also immortal so they have history together before they ended up together you know. What do you say?"[/color] Gibbou burbled. [colour=lightblue]”Sure…”[/colour] Oraelia gave her a tight squeeze. [Color=gold]"Hey, everything will be okay. Would you like me to cure your hangover?"[/color] [colour=lightblue]”You don’t understand, sis… There’s something inside me - deep inside - that cannot be cured.”[/colour] She stared a thousand yards into nothing, a dark expression on her face. [colour=lightblue]”But yeah, please do.”[/colour] Oraelia began to pour more healing energy into Gibbou. [Color=gold]"Oh Gibbou. Overcoming our vices, our pain and our problems makes us stronger for it. You may not see that right now but one day, perhaps you will."[/color] she stood, helping Gibbou to her feet. [Color=gold]"Now come, let us spend time together as family, so that we might forget our issues for a time."[/color] Gibbou sucked in the deepest breath she had all day and the colour returned to her face. Her body showed remarkable spirit and vitality despite her clothes looking like a mistreated vomit bag. [colour=lightblue]”Thanks, sis! Before we go, though…”[/colour] She tucked at her shirt and gave it a reluctant sniff again. [colour=lightblue]”Uhm.. Where’s your nearest lake?”[/colour] Oraelia smiled and took Gibbou's hand. [Color=gold]"Come, let me show you."[/color] [hr] Freshly cleaned and smelling of morning dew, the dark blue summer dress-dressed moon goddess strolled giddily alongside her sister towards Oraelia’s house, all memory of her utter failure and uselessness as a goddess happily suppressed under many layers of brutally enforced feelings of warmth and joy. She wore her dark glasses to keep the sun out, and her moonlight crown was vastly outshone by the light from all around, making it almost invisible. She stopped in front of the door, turned to her sister and put her hands on her hips. [colour=lightblue]”So!”[/colour] she opened, [colour=lightblue]”where are they?”[/colour] [color=gold]”Inside, waiting for me probably. I told them I would be back soon. Come, come.”[/color] She cooed, opening the door into the lofty house. They walked through the front doors and down the main corridor until the hallways split, then they went right and not long after they reached a room with a large dining table, full of food and drinks and Lucia, sitting on top of Sanya as they made out. Oraelia sighed, then knocked on the wall next to her. Lucia froze then looked over at them. [color=tan]”O-O-Oh you’re back, mom! With… Auntie Gibbou!”[/color] Lucia smiled as she got to her feet and walked over to hug Gibbou. [colour=lightblue]”Woah, hey there!”[/colour] was all Gibbou managed to say before being tackled by a hug. Not quite knowing what to do, she awkwardly hugged back and patted her on the head. [colour=lightblue]”Nice to see you, too, uh, squirt!”[/colour] Lucia's tattoos squirmed with delight as she let go of Gibbou and looked her up and down. She smiled with a warmth that mirrored her sister's. She then gave another slight squeeze of a hug and went over to her partner. [Color=tan]"Gibbou, I'd like you to meet Sanya. She is my love."[/color] Sanya had rocketed up from her seat and spent the time to herself adjusting her loose clothing and straightening out. When Lucia finally turned attention on her, she bowed her upper half stiffly like a soldier on inspection. [color=a187be]"It is a great honour to meet you in person, Mother Moon."[/color] she managed with practiced but hurried words. Gibbou eyed her up and down and assumed an equally stiff stance, sticking her arm out like a barb for her to shake. [colour=lightblue]”N-nice to meet you, too, Sony--Sanya!”[/colour] She sniffed. [colour=lightblue]”Sssssssooo… What’s up? Havin’ a party?”[/colour] Sanya stared at the hand in brief confusion before straightening out and extending her own hand to meet Gibbou's, and then the other. She grabbed the goddess' hand with both of hers, then knelt to humbly prostrate herself, lifting Gibbou's hand as though it were a sacred relic. Thoroughly enraptured by this awkward ordeal, she left it up to Lucia to answer. [colour=lightblue]”Ah!”[/colour] squealed Gibbou before Lucia could even open her mouth and pulled the hand to herself. She stood frozen for a bit, massaging her hand as though it had been burned, before forcing a sheepish giggle. [colour=lightblue]”Sorry. This feels really, [i]really[/i] weird up close.”[/colour] [color=a187be]"Oh! N..No! I am sorry, Goddess Gibbou. I didn't mean to attack you so."[/color] Sanya intoned quickly, looking horrified at the reaction she had caused. [Color=a187be]"Please forgive my abrasive behavior."[/color] Gibbou closed her eyes and waved her hands. [colour=lightblue]”Please! Please, don’t, don’t talk to me like that… If you would. You have no idea how weird this is on point blank range. I’m not…”[/colour] She shifted between the three women. [colour=lightblue]”I’m not really the kinda goddess you oughta speak like that to… Call me Gibs, Gibby or just, well, Gibbou. No titles or stuff, okay?”[/colour] Sanya nodded twice, flustered and uncertain, with a few confused glances towards her partner briefly. [color=a187be]"Oh, uhm. Alright. Whatever you wish of me, Gib...s. Gibbou."[/color] she intoned briefly, before following it up to avoid the awkward silence. [color=a187be]"So… ah, do you live.. on the moon?"[/color] The change of topic immediately brought a fire to Gibbou’s stance, and she gestured a mighty circle with her palm. [colour=lightblue]”Oh yeah, sure do! It’s pretty cool up there, actually - if ya catch my drift.”[/colour] She waited just too short with the comedic pause. [colour=lightblue]”It’s very cold, see. You can come visit, but you’ll need some magic.”[/colour] Oraelia clapped her hands and said, [color=gold]"Sit sit, let us talk to our hearts delight now that the… Pleasantaries over! Yeah!"[/color] she said, sitting down at the head of the table. Likewise, Lucia grabbed Sanya's hand and guided her back to her seat, whispering words of encouragement and praise as they sat down on the right side of Oraelia. [Color=gold]"Does anyone need anything? A specific food? A drink?"[/color] Oraelia asked, looking at them all. Lucia shook her head and grabbed a roll. [colour=lightblue]”Yeah, I’ll have a strong barley wine, if I could?”[/colour] said Gibbou and raised her hand. [color=a187be]"That's not a bad idea,"[/color] Sanya mused, extending an arm around Lucia without thinking. [color=a187be]"It's been years since I've had wine."[/color] [colour=lightblue]”Pfft, what you had probably wasn’t wine. More like smelly fruit water or something,”[/colour] Gibbou mused almost mockingly. [colour=lightblue]”Here, let’s get you some -real- wine. Make that two cups, sis!”[/colour] [Color=gold]"Well that wasn't what I…"[/color] Oraelia began sheepishly. [Color=gold]"I don't even know how to make it, Gibbou."[/color] she relented. Lucia just looked happy to be there. [colour=lightblue]”Oh, I’ll fix it, then,”[/colour] said the moon goddess and, with the snap of her fingers, conjured forth two cups of a dark brown liquid. She pushed one over to Sanya and lifted her own. [colour=lightblue]”Cheers for, uh… For the couple!”[/colour] Sanya grasped the cup produced for her without much hesitation, offering the smallest of smiles at the quick toast. [color=a187be]"To family,"[/color] she returned. [Color=tan]"Sanya, let me try some? Please?"[/color] Lucia asked. [color=a187be]"Oh, of course,"[/color] Sanya obliged, and offered her cup to Lucia. Lucia snatched the cup and drank a mouthful. She then handed the cup back to Sanya, her face frowning. She coughed, [color=tan]"How do you drink that, it doesn't taste good at all."[/color] she said, taking a swig of water. Suspicious of Lucia's reaction to this mysterious new drink, Sanya sniffed the cup briefly and then brought it to her lips. Her expression lingered on a thoughtful frown for a few moments, before she lifted the cup for another sip and an ensuing comment. [color=a187be]"I don't know, I rather like it. I thought I'd tasted everything over the years. Barley, you said?"[/color] [colour=lightblue]”The finest grain there is - a soldier’s grain,”[/colour] boasted the moon goddess as though the flavour had banished all over her anxiousness. Sanya pressed her lips together in brief thought, humming to herself before taking another taste of the mythical new brew. [color=a187be]"I wouldn't mind an amphora of this, if you want to leave some here."[/color] she eventually managed, leaning forwards to nod at Gibbou with guarded respect. [color=a187be]"That is, if that's alright."[/color] Sanya eventually conceded and glanced to both her tattooed partner and Oraelia. Lucia’s hand found its way to Sanya’s shoulder. She grinned, giving her a small nod. [color=tan]”Only if I can get something a little more… Fruity? Sweet? Fruity and sweet?”[/color] she pouted at Gibbou. Meanwhile, Oraelia’s lips turned into a frown, followed by a half sigh. [color=gold]”Alcohol, as we both know,”[/color] she eyed Gibbou, [color=gold]”Will make you lose the wits about you. That said, for special occasions, it is… Fine. And if you like, I suppose you can leave some here.”[/color] Oraelia then slouched forward and placed her cheek on her palm. [color=gold]”Just… Be careful is all I ask.”[/color] Lucia piped up again, [color=tan]”Of course mom, your house, your rules!”[/color] [colour=lightblue]”C’mon, Orey - she’s a few thousand years old now; I think she can make her own decisions.”[/colour] She conjured forth a tall, thin-necked pitcher of something smelling of peach. Lucia smelled the pitcher as Oraelia spoke, [color=gold]”I know that Gibbou.”[/color] She spoke with calmness as she looked at Sanya and Lucia again. [color=gold]”Enjoy yourselves.”[/color] She gave a small, reluctant smile. Lucia gave her a nod as she poured the contents of the pitcher into a cup. She then took a sip, then another, as her lips curled into a smile. [color=tan]”Now this is good! Thanks Gibbou! Here, here Sanya, try it!”[/color] she said, giving her the cup. The sweeter drink was forced into Sanya's hands, and the warrior briefly lifted it to sniff and taste. A brief grimace later, and she handed it back. [color=a187be]"Wonderful."[/color] Sanya offered with deadpan tone, before giving Lucia a smug look. [color=a187be]"Tastes like my mouth is melting."[/color] Lucia giggled and with a playful jab in Sanya's side she said, [color=tan]"Doesn't it, darling?"[/color] Sanya smirked ever so slightly and clicked her cup against Lucia's in an idle toast. [Color=gold]"It does my heart good to see you both so happy. I know I've said it a thousand times already but it's just so wonderful. A truly refreshing sight."[/color] Oraelia fawned. [Color=gold]"Oh that does remind me, Gibbou, have you found, uhmm, you know, a partner?"[/color] [colour=lightblue]”Partner in what?”[/colour] asked Gibbou blankly, conjuring forth a bowl of blueberries and popping one into her mouth. Oraelia scrunched her nose. [Color=gold]"Uh… Nevermind. I was thinking of something else. Anywho, Rhiona has caught me up to date on events I missed while I was away. I'm sorry about everything Gibbou. I blame myself for how the druids have acted and as such we've sent Solus to take away that pesky fertility statue. I'm not sure a tool such as that belongs in mortal hands. And soon enough, Lucia and Sanya will be going back to the Highlands to bring about some sort of peace. A storm is brewing, there are too many pieces in play."[/color] Gibbou shrugged. [colour=lightblue]”They’re mortals - give them anything and they’ll find six ways to misuse it by the end of the day.”[/colour] She ate another berry. [colour=lightblue]”It’s not your fault that they went on a rampage looking for food. They were breeding like crazy, and… And…”[/colour] She paused and tasted her words, looking as though she found them sour. [colour=lightblue]”... Actually, what I meant to say was - mortals are dumb and do dumb things. It’s not your fault, most importantly!”[/colour] Sanya breathed a quiet scoff at that, but hurried to hide her expression behind the cup. [Color=tan]"They are right you know."[/color] Lucia said, pouring another cup. [Color=tan]"They abused your gifts and got hungry for more. Just like they abused me when I visited."[/color] she took a drink. Oraelia leaned forward at her daughters words. [Color=gold]"Lucia, what do you mean they abused you when you visited?"[/color] Lucia sighed. [Color=tan]"Well like… They wouldn't give me a moment to myself and disrespected me when they went into my room without my permission to pray. It felt so… Wrong. A violation really."[/color] she took a large swig and leaned on Sanya. Oraelia looked at her partner with inquisitive eyes, but Sanya’s own gaze was deep into her cup, a dark frown hinted above the drink. [Color=gold]"Lucia… I'm so-"[/color] Lucia cut her off, [color=tan]"Ish fine. Lesh just talk about something elsh."[/color], she slurred her words, taking another drink. Oraelia gave a slight frown and turned her head back to Gibbou. [Color=gold]"How's the other half of the world fairing?"[/color] [colour=lightblue]”Oh, y’know. It’s quiet, mostly,”[/colour] she replied curtly and shrugged. [colour=lightblue]”Nothing interesting happening over there - no, siree. Like, sure, some things are happening, maybe, but most things aren’t.”[/colour] [Color=gold]"I see."[/color] Oraelia twirled her fingers. [Color=gold]"It seems the only exciting news we have is that mortals can come to our realms. That seems to be about it."[/color] [colour=lightblue]”Yeah, that’s pretty cool, I guess. Again, though, I don’t think they can visit mine - no air and all that, y’know. Would need some kind of protective gear, wouldn’t you, mortals?”[/colour] She forced an awkward laugh to support her own failure of a joke. Lucia gave a vague wave and a nod, taking another drink from the pitcher before leaning into Sanya to steady herself. Sanya reflexively put her arm around her shoulder. Lucia began to giggle. [Color=tan]"Yeah! Who neeeeds air anyways?"[/color] [colour=lightblue]”I know, right?”[/colour] Having found support, Gibbou’s giggle grew genuine. Gibbou's giggling only made Lucia giggle more. She began to play with Sanya's hair as she took another drink. [Color=tan]"And why did you make us so squishy?"[/color] As if to empathize her point she pressed a finger into Sanya's cheek. Her voice then went lower, [Color=tan]"I like your squishy darlin."[/color] Sanya languished in a flustered surprise, offering a terse chuckle as she glanced nervously at the goddesses present. [color=a187be]"I'm not that soft. On the uh, mortal… scale."[/color] [Color=tan]"She has abssssh."[/color] Lucia said, followed by more giggling. Oraelia in the meantime looked on with a modest sense of disappointment and horror but did not say anything. Sanya, perhaps to her credit, tried her best to steer conversation back towards something less awkward. [color=a187be]"... Guilty. I've spent a lot of centuries fighting. Have to stay in shape."[/color] Gibbou suppressed a burp. [colour=lightblue]”You know fighting?”[/colour] [Color=tan]"She's the… the besht fighter you've ever sheeeen!"[/color] Lucia exclaimed with mirth, pressing herself more and more into Sanya. The dark-haired warrior breathed a light snicker and ran her hand through strands of Lucia's hair. [Color=a187be]"I suppose I know fighting. I was put on the path of violence millennia ago, and it's followed me since. Well, until about two decades ago."[/color] she eventually explained. [colour=lightblue]”Huh. You any good?”[/colour] Sanya gave the moon goddess a jaded glance. [color=a187be]"As good as I've needed to be. I certainly wasn't getting any assistance from my benefactor."[/color] [colour=lightblue]”Whossat?”[/colour] Lucia gripped onto Sanya, [Color=tan]"Shhhhhh, we don't talk about heerrr."[/color] she said, dipping her head into Sanya's lap, drink sloshing. Sanya sucked in a breath, smiling down solemnly at Lucia before reaching out to steal away her drink. [color=a187be]"The love goddess cursed me to sorrow and anguish."[/color] she mused calmly, keeping her eyes on Lucia to keep herself centered. [colour=lightblue]”Ugh!”[/colour] groaned Gibbou loudly and threw her hands in the air. [colour=lightblue]”She -always- does this! Why is she so fuckin’ mean all the time?!”[/colour] She began to stand up, her balance severely inconvenienced by her alcohol permille. [colour=lightblue]”I’mma go over there and teach her a lesson!”[/colour] All at once, Oraelia stood. [Color=gold]"No. You are not. Please sit down Gibbou."[/color] she said with a certain sternness unlike her. Gibbou, somewhat taken aback by the shift in tone, sat right back down. With shifty eyes, she mumbled: [colour=lightblue]”G-gee, sis, I was just jokin’... Chill.”[/colour] Oraelia relaxed but did not sit down right away. She held her gaze on Gibbou for a moment or two and when she did sit she put a hand on Gibbou's arm. [Color=gold]"I'm sorry Gibbou. I didn't know you were joking."[/color] her voice was sheepish. [colour=lightblue]”Y-yeah… I totally was. I mean, what kind of idiot would pick a fight with that bitch, am I right?”[/colour] She forced an exaggerated laugh and pointed at herself. [colour=lightblue]”That’s riiiiiight! This idiot!”[/colour] Her smile hung on by a thread, her eyes two empty, white voids. Oraelia tilted her head and glanced at Sanya, giving her a knowing look. Once more Oraelia got up from her chair and embraced Gibbou. [color=gold]”You are not an idiot, Gibbou. You are my sister and I love you so, so much.”[/color] she cooed. Sanya looked at the two goddesses for a time, shifting forwards to set down both cups of alcohol before leaning back and running her fingers gingerly over Lucia's hair, who had fallen fast asleep. [color=a187be]"Anyone who stands against that fiend could never be anything but great in my eyes,"[/color] she affirmed solemnly. [color=a187be]"If it wasn't for Lucia she would have sapped my willpower into oblivion. In the same vein, I wouldn't be who I am if she'd never cursed me. Wouldn't be here."[/color] Gibbou made a quiet raspberry with her tongue, hardly reacting to her sister’s hug. [colour=lightblue]”I’ve fucked up too many times to be great, kid - if anything, I’ve reached a nice equilib… Equilibree-oom of mediocrity.”[/colour] Oraelia pulled away one arm at a time. She said nothing but her eyes gave her away- downcast and sucked of joy. Sanya shrugged her shoulders idly, watching them yet. [color=a187be]"And?"[/color] she questioned, willing to let her jaded, calm tone come out with Lucia down for the count. [color=a187be]"Life is a constant journey of disappointment and failure. No one is as great as they want to be. At least not among us humans. I doubt I could ever begin to match your grandeur, as a mere mortal. All we can do is try our best, and roll with the punches."[/color] Gibbou sighed. [colour=lightblue]”Yeah… Maybe… Hey, Sanya - what gave you the will to be a soldier? What was that first spark?”[/colour] Sanya shifted her shoulder and flexed a grim expression past her lips. [color=a187be]"My tribe and family were hit hard by a rampaging troll. Raiders wiped out what was left. There was nothing in my heart but hate and sorrow, and… she… put me on the path of vengeance. After that, it was all I could be."[/color] Gibbou’s eyes, as though that was even possible, somehow lost a final twinge of life, and she slowly got to her feet. [colour=lightblue]”I… I need to go.”[/colour] [Color=gold]"Gibbou?"[/color] Oraelia asked, backing up to give her sister space. She looked back at Sanya, then at Oraelia. [colour=lightblue]”I need to leave. I… I shouldn’t be here.”[/colour] She then ran at the door, opened it and escaped into the vast, yellow garden. [Color=gold]"Gibbou…"[/color] Oraelia whispered, feeling her leave the realm. Silence reigned for a time, until Sanya finally mustered the courage to ask; [color=a187be]"Did I say something wrong?"[/color] Oraelia turned to Sanya and shook her head but before she could speak, Lucia stirred. [Color=tan]"Thar youuuu are."[/color] she cooed, kissing Sanya on the cheek. [Color=tan]"Whad I misssh?"[/color] she yawned. [hr] Lucia sifted through the contents of the bag, placing and removing the many items she and Sanya had collected over the years. Some were practical, others were not. She just couldn’t make up her mind. The goodbye had been heartfelt, but after their time staying in her mother’s realm, she could only hope to return and Oraelia knew this. It would not be a goodbye forever. They were connected now, once more. With determination in her eyes, Lucia placed the last of their gear into their sacks and headed out the door. She took one more look at the place, their home for two decades now. She would miss it, but Oraelia had promised one like it when they departed Galbar again. She could hardly wait! With a giddy smile she sat their bags down and clapped her hands together. The sound of metal rang out. Her mother’s armor was a snug fit and they had grown used to the weight of it. Her hand found its way to the necklaces around her neck. She had to be careful though, for she was powerful now, more than ever before. A [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/90/11/14/9011142d40a41c38a7a20508b3fb69a4.jpg]Leaflits[/url] flew into her hair, followed by a dozen more. They tickled her all over and as she began to giggle, they flew away in a flock. When they arrived back upon Galbar, Rhiona ushered into the world around them several new creatures that had never existed before. She could see [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a4/16/2e/a4162ea3eaa47c6b5a4b3a1764481805.jpg]Gens[/url] uprooting themselves to bask in the sun and tend to flowers, while the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/eldarya/images/5/5d/Jeanylotte_Young.png/revision/latest?cb=20170421210428]Joyfs[/url] were spreading out by the hundreds, off to find those that needed some much needed joy in their lives. A couple had bolted for the two of them when they first stepped through the portal and their mere presence made Lucia feel happy. Sanya was much the same. They would make good companions, but now was not the time for that. Now was the time for moving on. [color=tan]”Isn’t that right, Eesis? Nisin?”[/color] She cooed over to the basking Leons. Much to her mother’s promise, their transportation was awaiting them. Now, they lounged about waiting for Sanya’s return. She wasn’t too thrilled about that, the prospect of flying again but Lucia wasn’t going to let anything happen to her. Plus, that meant Sanya would have to hang onto her again and that was just a guilty little pleasure. Lucia turned to the trees, waiting for her lover. She glanced back at the waiting portal. Another one that waited, for even quicker access to the Highlands. Sanya just needed to get back and they would be on their way. And return she did, breaking through the treeline in silver armor at an idle pace, the sleek black [i]Sorrowsting[/i] laid over her shoulder as though it was never missing. Now it seemed different, however. Even from afar the addition of Oraelia's large gem shone and glittered with promise, lending a grandeur to the weapon that had been missing before. She looked ready for war, for better or worse. Sanya moved to join with Lucia and her company without word or delay, though smiled at Lucia when she caught her gaze. And with that, they mounted Eesis and through the portal they went, into the unknown of war. [hider=Summary] Gibbou’s drunk and does some stuff like breweries to places and she then goes to Oraelia’s realm and they talk about the fight and then they go see Lucia and Sanya at Oraelia’s home and have a fun time drinking before things get sad and trolls. Then Sanya and Lucia go back to Galbar on their quest to save the world I guess. Leons. [/hider] [hider=MP Sum!] Gibbou 5MP/5DP 2MP: Give Fragrance a gift of a brewery and teach them to brew wine. (2 towards Alcohol portfolio under upcoming Party domain). 2DP - Give Ha-Dûna a gift they cannot make yet: A huge stone wall surrounding the whole city. (5/5 for Wall portfolio). 1MP: Create holy order - The Brewer’s Guild: A worker’s guild with the almost divine mandate to brew all kinds of good drink for the mortals of the world. Members of this order always seem to put on weight easier. (⅗ for Alcohol) [list][*] Brewers I: This order already knows how to brew alcohol, and their product is quite tasty, too! [/list] End: 0MP/1DP Oraelia 5/5 -3MP For Family Port -1MP Portal For Lucia and Sanya to return to their home. -1MP Another portal at Luciya’s home to the Highlands. -2DP (Joy) Rhiona creates Joyfs, dog like critters that act as emotional support animals by giving love through joy. -2DP (Renewal) Rhiona creates Gens, small plant beings who tend to grow stuff and revitalize areas. They bury themselves at night to sleep and spring into actions at first light. Going dormant in winter until spring arrives once more. -1DP (Life) Rhiona creates small creatures that resemble living leaves. They exist just to exist and may or may not make good pets. 0/0 [/hider] [hider=Prestige] Lucia: 50 Prestige +5 (10k+ post) Total: 55 Sanya: 34 Prestige +5 (10k+ post) Total: 39 [/hider]