[h1][b][i][color=MediumSpringGreen][center]James Kingston[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/MKVmbk8X/image.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=MediumSpringGreen][b]Location[/b][/color]: Jack and Casper (and James)’s room [color=MediumSpringGreen][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A[/center] [hr][hr] James watched with fond exasperation as Casper rolled off the bed and onto the floor with a heavy thud, the concern washed away when he popped up demanding to be hailed as Caesar. James was too busy chuckling to stop him from popping open the door but honestly, what did they expect pushing him out of bed before he was ready? James definitely did not take a moment to admire his boyfriend shirtless despite Veil mentioning his lack of clothes. He definitely and immediately went to convince Casper to shut the door and put real clothes on but he may have paused for Waverly to calm down. His irritation at her for bothering them on an easy morning was gone as he watched her try and calm herself. James frowned at the idea of Jack chloroforming anyone really. Maybe if he was on a job if he had to but one of his… Oh fuck. What if the M-pox hallucinations were doing something to him? Maybe made him think Sunshine was in danger or something. James wasn’t really sure if the M-pox could do that but considering it was just discovered over the past week and a half or so, it could turn into anything. Of course, the real concern here wasn’t what Jack was going to do with Sunshine but rather what Sunshine was going to do to Jack. Their relationship was mending but Sunshine’s default processing emotion was anger and it very quickly turned into violence. James wasn’t sure how getting another illness on top of m-pox would affect Jack’s recovery. [color=mediumspringgreen]“Babes, wanna get some clothes on and then eat with me? See if we can get you a little more energy after yesterday.”[/color] James said, pulling his boyfriend away from the door and pushing him towards his stuff. [color=mediumspringgreen]“Give us a moment and we’ll be right out.”[/color] He said to everyone as he shut the door and turned his attention on Casper, stepping away from the door and speaking softly. [color=mediumspringgreen]“Hey, can Ben confirm or deny any of that? I just want to make sure she didn’t pick up m-pox and it was some hallucination or something. And please, no channeling. I don’t think I can handle you on the brink of death twice in two days.”[/color]