[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200828/719c60d5204f53e72280223df123f335.png[/img][/center] [color=#D1D0CE]Silently, Dreamseeker walked after Eclipse and Aardwolf. Now that she could actually take the time to look around, the Scorpion Den certainly was... something. Vendors lined the street as they waved about purple prickly pears and strange-colored roasted snakes. She caught the scent of spices in the air, along with roasted meats and other types of fruit that littered the desert. What she noticed the most, though, was the fact that much of the population of the Scorpion Den didn't necessarily looked friendly. Many of the dragons there had a curious sheen to their eye and an interested expression upon their face. She caught sight of more than one dragon staring at them. Dreamseeker didn't even want to know what rolled around in their minds. [color=614051][i]We're with the Outclaws, we're safe, now,[/i][/color] she told herself over and over as she made sure to keep up with the two other dragons. They finally came upon a larger tent, though they hardly got a chance to speak before they were approached by two large SandWings. Dreamseeker shuffled behind Eclipse, somewhat intimidated. [color=614051][i]SandWings can be so harsh with one another,[/i][/color] she thought as she made sure to keep her head low. Maybe they'd relax a bit if they saw they were no threat? To her surprise, Aardwolf's sharp reply earned them passage into the tent, and before she knew it they were being ushered inside. The tent felt like it was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Dreamseeker arched her head around to peer at the cobalt blue and golden carpet spread over the floor, embedded with ornate images of golden lizards and hawks and snakes. Incense burned within tiny brass containers, and a smoky, light lavender haze hovered about the tent. And right in front of them lounged a large SandWing the color of parched dirt. Her underbelly was an ashen gray, and her eyes were as dark as night. Her right ear was bejeweled with a cluster of small, colorful earrings, and a long, gruesome scar ran deep over her throat. Dreamseeker shuddered as the dragon's black gaze scanned them. [b]"Welcome,"[/b] Drought's wings spread open in greeting, revealing the cream color under her wings. [b]"I am Drought, leader of the Outclaws. I hear you bring news from the Sky Kingdom."[/b] Dreamseeker did not like this dragon. Firstly, she was bigger than her, and could easily claw her in half with one swipe of her talons. Secondly, the look in her eye was accepting, but not friendly. And thirdly, even though this dragon's mind was void of nefarious plots and thoughts, she just didn't seem right. There was something strange about her, but she couldn't put a finger on it. [color=614051][b]"O-oh,"[/b][/color] Dreamseeker jumped when she saw that Drought and Jackal were looking at her. [color=614051][b]"Y-yes, we come from the Sky Kingdom, actually. We... w-well, uh, Queen Ember has been assassinated, you see, and--"[/b][/color] Drought narrowed her eyes. [b]"I already know this. We received word about it at dawn,"[/b] she interrupted in a cold voice. Her tongue, long, black, and forked, poked out from between her jaws and slithered back again. [color=614051][b]"U-uh... well,"[/b][/color] Dreamseeker tried her best not to panic; it was difficult, because her heart was practically beating out of her chest. [color=614051][b]"She was struck by a dart, which had been covered in black poison, which has in turn been unidentified for now. We suspect that the poison comes from a beast in the rainforest, and we were heading there in order to garner aid from the RainWings."[/b][/color] There was a very long pause. Drought turned her head to look at Eclipse, her eyes scanning him up and down. [b]"Is this true, SkyWing?"[/b] she asked.[/color]