Augusta had not been very aware of her shifting skin tone. Though it did catch her slightly off guard when Isidore and Nick grabbed hold of her to assist. She had this on her own! But, well... Perhaps it was for the best. Not that she'd admit it. And then then stone stopped resisting her and if there was anything one must know about physics is that there must be an equal and opposite reaction... So the three tumbled backwards! Augusta, luckily, was the one on top of the other two in this awkward pile. She felt her head smack right into someone's chest, though she wasn't sure who. As she reeled from the blow, she noticed something interesting. The snow was melting!? What in the hell was that about? She roughly pushed off the two guys of the group as she quickly stood. What? How odd! First, melting snow and now some sort of black sludge!? This was becoming more and more interesting! She took a step back, accidentally stepping on someone's foot as the stuff gained more of a form over time until eventually it became... A flower bulb or something of the sort? And now there's something on the ground?! Augusta was too intrigued with the puppy looking thing that plopped on the ground that she had a hard time noticing the black flowers that the bulb turned into. "W-what the heck is that!?" She questioned aloud. Of course! She had an eye that could discern what living creatures were! She looked at it and the information screen popped up for her! "Let's see... Demon Hound Pup... Physical Attributes... Similar to you?" She questioned that bit as she looked at the pup again. Were demons that strong even in what appeared to be a child state? She gulped and continued though in a markedly smaller voice. "Black Blood... Pack Mentality... Physical Regeneration..." How strong. If only this thing were hers to command she'd feel safer. Then she got to the last part. "It wants us to follow it?" She figured adding the goddess' commentary would be a waste of breath, right? Then she felt the rumble on the ground of that... Large... Whatever it was suppose to be! Perhaps it was coming to pick them off since they tampered with the stone?! Hmm... Perhaps they should follow the mutt, for now at least. It would be a small bit dangerous to just sit here. "With that probably colossal thing out here, perhaps we should follow the dog inside? Just to make sure we don't get crushed under foot?" Her eyes darted to the dog thing. "Besides, Octavia there is much too adorable to mean anything bad. Doesn't she seem friendly?" It appears that, despite a lack of information on the subject, Augusta had already made her decision up.