Outside of the inn, the girls (and that otter, Flick noted, in a different direction) dispersed. While the ladies headed toward the Garrick Estate, the menfolk were heading forwards the sheriff's office. Flicker thought it was probably just as well that the "estate team" was comprised of the fairer sex. There were probably still some broken hearts over there, mourning Garrick's wife. Gentle words would be better suited for that investigation. Although... Flick couldn't exactly say he got a "gentle" vibe from any of them. Maybe volatile instead. [i]Maybe not such a good idea after all then. Oh well, they can sort it out themselves I'm sure.[/i] A genasi, a kobold, a warforged, and a man with a giant skeleton made up the other party. What could go wrong? As the group made their way down the next street, something seemed to catch said kobold's nose and he scampered away. That was no skin off Flick's nose, out of everyone the little lizard was... well. No need to get into that. So that left Flick, Nemorad, Graves and... companion. Flicker turned to Nemo, who'd answered his previous question. "Newbie huh? Welcome," Flicker said to the warforged, flashing him a warm - if somewhat sarcastic - smile. "I'll have to show y'all my favorite over priced, under stocked shops. Or dens of filth! Though it sounds like we won't be in town too long, judgin' from how eager some of us are." Whatever the Forsaken-native's issue was with the town, he didn't elaborate. He thought that soon enough it would be apparent to anyone that spent time there anyway. Down a dirt trail that widened at the end, Flicker slowed his pace to nodded in one direction. "Morgue's down there," he told the others, though he expected that Graves probably knew that already. "Can't miss it. Sheriff's ain't too far. Don't know what exactly you're lookin' for, but it's not really my scene anyway. So, er. Good luck?" He shrugged with one shoulder, making the motion awkward. "We'll meet up again here, or if not, meet up all together with the girls." In another direction was the local sheriff's office. It was a bit too small for a town of this size in Flick's opinion, but then, he had a lot of opinions. There were a few people hanging around the little porch area outside of the building, deputies and brown-nosers Flicker guessed. "This is it, nice place huh?"