[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z6cC6JC.png[/img][/center] Alicia nodded to each member who had chosen to participate in this action, shaking their hand and giving them a warm smile to accompany it. [color=aba000]"Thank you. I appreciate your willingness to do this, despite the circumstances we find ourselves in."[/color] Like the Howell Twins, she would not have blamed them if they had balked at being part of an operation with Justine and the danger that she represented. With the team ready, they departed via teleporter and arrived at their destination. Glancing around, Alicia took in the furniture that had been laid out, as well as their companions. It was a motley assortment of individuals, the sort that she probably would never have associated with were it not for this particular. Still, if someone wanted to come and bleed so Beacon didn't have to, she was not about to complain. Though the movement in the shadows behind Justine was a bit concerning.... [color=aba000]"Alright,"[/color] Alicia replied before taking a seat at the table. Things were silent, with little effort made to interact with the other group that had already been present. Although she had her suspicions about Justine, for now she went along with it. They would just need to be prepared when the time came for this relationship to end. One more group would arrive before Justine again, motley in composition but for an entirely different reason. She didn't recognize anyone with them, but they certainly looked determined. She was going to need to ask about this before they left. Nodding as Justine laid out what she had learned, Alicia would speak in turn. [color=aba000]"We were able to detect the same entrances that you did, and I agree that the one closer to the core is likely to be more heavily guarded. The building you detected is a mansion, sitting in a black void where mirrors serve as stars. The area around the mansion is a field of snow that is thick enough to obscure anything that may hide under it. It should be possible to walk on it."[/color] Then again, having a second entrance that went to nothing at all would have been odd. [color=aba000]"That's what we were able to learn from scrying,"[/color] she finished. [color=aba000]"Considering the resources at her disposal, I doubt Mariette will just let us walk up and stab her."[/color] She glanced around to the other two groups to see if they had anything of value to add. If not, they could get to planning. [sub][@Shifter_Master][@Ariamis][@ERode][@Ponn][@PlatinumSkink][@Crusader Lord][@Majoras End][/sub]