Haki quietly listened to the stag as it talked. He understood the form of pact Chance made with the windigo. It was similar to the one he made with the entity that changed his body. He couldn't remember much of the experience and what he could remember was a jumbled mess of pain and realization. It was liked he lived through hundreds of lives as he was forced to remember all the past Druids. After that experience, he made a pact with the entity to stop the calamity that was going to destroy the world. [color=39b54a]"Then why are you here now? Chance has been doing all he can to help his people. It is not something one person can do,"[/color] Haki said slightly irritated. He didn't like that the stag was asking so much of Chance. He had suffered enough and did not need this to weight him down. [hr] Adrian stared at the woman in shock. It took a minute for the question to register in his mind, and once it did, [color=0072bc]"No she is only a friend!"[/color] Adrian signed. He didn't really believe what he just said. Nessa was definitely more to him than anyone else. it was different from the bond he had with Haki. It was something more. [color=ed145b]"oh my apologize,"[/color] the woman said. She then signaled him to sit down on the bed. Once he did, she poked at in him in several spots and asked if he felt pain. The area where the arrow pierced him had the most pain. He was surprised that it missed his heart and so was the woman. if it was any slight to the left then he would've been dead. [color=ed145b]"Looks like it is healing properly. You will only need to rest. I have to say the healer that healed you is quite talented. even with your status, we cannot guarantee that we could've done the same,"[/color] The woman said. then after exchanging a few words, he was dismissed. he walked out of the room and returned to Nessa. [color=0072bc]"the healer said I only needed to rest. Haki healed most of the major injury. And there is no need to pay. would you like to get something to eat?"[/color] His heart began to race again, and his palms began to feel sweety. Why was he so nervous around Nessa? It didn't feel right but he cannot deny the feelings.