Lillian sat quietly next to Lucie and indulged in the delicious meal, taking dainty bites and small sips so as to not upset the little makeup her mother had managed to smear on her. She had assumed the odd and careful manner of consuming meals and drinks was to appear sophisticated (regardless of if the individual were actually sophisticated) though it would appear there were a more utilitarian reasoning. Lillian mentally scoffed at that thought and waved it away, accepting that it was simply a coincidence the rich did something mildly intelligent. Regardless, the new form of eating she had been forced to adopt was just another reason to be annoyed with the concept of makeup. Lily picked up the one and only watch that she was wearing from its' place dangling from the chain around her neck -opting to wear only one, as that seemed more "normal"- and confirmed that Adam was indeed late. In light of recent events she found herself beginning to worry, however it was a short lived state of being as Adam crashed into his office and quickly made his way to his private quarters. She was surprised to see the man so disheveled and tired and turned to Lucie to ask her thoughts, but stopped as she saw the smirk on the other woman's face. While Lillian would normally presume more mundane reasoning for Adam's appearance and tardiness, it would seem her companions intuition was leading her elsewhere. When it comes to the matters of late night liaisons, Lily trusted Lucies' intuition. For the most part Lily felt happy that her friend had an evening of, hopefully, pleasurable and passionate company, however she also found her heart rate pick up in an unexpected manner that confused her. It was either jealousy or too much caffeine, and she was not experienced enough with the former emotion to tell the difference. Under the circumstances she switched to drinking hot water with a touch of honey, just in case. When Adam returned he looked more in line with what Lily had come to expect, though noticeably tired. This brought a bit of a smile to her lips as she mused at how his sunken and dark eyes mirrored her own most days, however on that day her own tiredness was concealed beyond her makeup; an amusing reversal of roles to say the least. “Terribly sorry about my disarray ladies” he said with a polite nod, pausing for a moment to give Lily a curious look. It was clear he had noticed she was dressed for the part. It was unclear of if he approved of the new look or not, but the fact he noticed was significant to Lillian as it meant her minor metamorphosis was working. She hoped he appreciated the effort she had went through to look the part, let alone the indignity of being assaulted by her mother and three servants who seemed far too excited to man-handle their mistresses daughter. Adam quickly went over the events of the day as they all finished their meal. Lillian made a point to grab a few scones which she placed deep within one of the pockets of her dress, which she had spent the early hours of the morning adding to her outfit once she realized her chatelaine bag was not sufficient to hold all the tools she felt she would need. The pockets themselves were rushed but robust, and had many small sub pockets with enough padding to hide unwanted sounds while not ruining the shape of the dress. She had managed to fit two of her single shot pistols, a few tools, odds and ends, as well as half-a-dozen scones deep within the dress without adversely effecting the shape. “Well Miss Lily it appears you are more than ready, I trust you are armed slightly as well, shall we depart?” Adam inquired. Lillian took one last moment to commit the picture of the young girl to memory and nodded. The pair left together and headed towards the asylum. The cart ride was quiet, of which Lillian was thankful. Far too many people feel an uncontrollable social pressure to fill voids of silence with useless prattle and conjecture. Adam felt no such pressure and was one of the many reasons she felt so comfortable around him. ******************************************* Once inside the asylum it became very clear Adam had not exaggerated regarding the extent to which Lily's presence would be ignored. Had it not come at the cost of being ignored by Adam as well she would have found the experience more enjoyable. Being ignored would be a talent of which she would get much use, as that is one of the main reasons her actual talent received so much use. It is hard to not ignore someone who, as far as you can tell, is not even there. Well decorated and furnished, it was rather clear, even before the view from the window of the less ornate buildings on the ground confirmed it, that the house they had entered was not the main facility and simply a facade. Having spent some time in an asylum during her formative years Lillian couldn't fault the obfuscation. After all, if the people who brought their loved ones to such a building realized that there was little help to be found and it was just a place to lock away and hide the rough edges of society, they might think twice about giving money to the so called doctors. Though Lillian doubted the parents of the little girl would care either way. After being lead to a parlor Lillian took a seat on the least ornate chair in the room located closest to Adam. She slipped a journal and a pen out of her bag and began to take notes. As she did she looked around the room, at the doctor, and periodically at Adam. As the doctor spoke more and more Lily found it more difficult to keep up the facade of taking notes as she became upset by some of the things the Doctor had to say. She could tell Adam was bothered as well, though it was clear the Doctor failed to notice the subtle shift in couloration of Ware's knuckles as he squeezed his fist ever so slightly tighter. Social ques were a mystery to her, but Lily could spot a change in persons physical state from across a room. It was quite clear, and to Lily came as no surprise, that the doctor did not actually care about the well being of the girl and simply wished to line his pockets. When it came time to actually visit with little girl it was shown the doctor had some level of sense to limit how many people saw the state of the facility he ran. He seemed to be under the belief that he could trust Adam, but was less certain about Lillian. [i]That is the most intelligent thought he has probably had in months, if not ever[/i]. Lily thought to herself. Adam spared no glance towards Lillian as he got up to leave, clearly trusting her to find her own way. Once the door was closed the red haired woman sprung into action, quickly grabbing a large chair and angling it more towards a window. She sat in the chair and tried to position herself appropriately before activating her talent. She spared only a moment to look at her physical body, noting that she sufficiently looked as though she had simply fallen asleep in her chair waiting for her master to return. She did not like the idea of leaving her body alone in the parlor as it was unclear how much use it received, but there was little time to contemplate it. Rushing for the door she opened it just enough for her less than physical body to slip through and closed the door behind her. She searched for the direction Adam and the doctor went, noticing that a servant or worker of some kind had seen the door open and close on its' own. Lillian paused for a moment, the man stared right at -or more accurately, thorough- her. There was a brief moment that dragged on for hours as she starred at the man and wondered what he would do, if she had ruined their chances of rescuing the girl before that had even really begun. Thankfully, the man shook his head, turned, and walked away; clearly doubting what he just saw and deciding resuming his duties was better than chasing after the mundanely impossible. With everything in the clear, Lillian located Adam and chased after him to catch up, her ethereal feet carrying her quickly as she had no mass to slow her. From that point she stuck as close to the pair as she could, making sure she could pass through doors before they were closed. A few times she was forced to divert and catch back up less she risk bumping into a worker or a patient. While she appreciated having the ability to manipulate the world around her while being invisible, Lillian often wondered if having regular astral projection would have been preferable to her actual talent. Both talents had pros and cons, and while on the whole she was happy with what she had there was still the odd time she found herself wishing she could simply fly like a ghost through walls or people. She was surprised to find that some parts of the grounds had buildings that were, comparability, rather nice. Open, bright, and lacked the soul crushing feelings of entrapment most asylums bore. Lillian briefly wondered if she had misjudged the doctor and his facility, but then remembered that they were visiting a patient whose parent's were rich. It was clear the nicer of the buildings were reserved for those of wealthy families. When the duo -trio- made it to the child's room they were all surprised to find it empty. Whether via her talent, or some other means, the little girl had disappeared once more. Lillian hoped that it was the latter, hoped that Lucie had beaten them there and had already gotten the girl out. The alternative was that the girl's talent had activated and she would not be back potentially for hours. When the duo -trio- made it to the child's room they were all surprised to find it empty. Whether via her talent, or some other means, the little girl had disappeared once more. Lillian hoped that it was the latter, hoped that Lucie had beaten them there and had already gotten the girl out. The alternative was that the girl's talent had activated and she would not be back potentially for hours. [color=39b54a]While the moronic Doctor began raving at Adam, practically begging for a miracle, Lillian peered into the room. She did her best to stretch her neck so she could get a good look, but she could only alter her form so much despite the fact it was basically non-existent. She had long hypostasized a brains mental map of its' physical form was such a powerful image that even when she would use her talent to become a cloud of thought it insisted on keeping that cloud in a shape that matched that map as close as possible. Most inconvenient at times. Wanting a closer look, but blocked by the two men, Lillian carefully grabbed a few strands of hair on the doctors head and pulled sharply. All the strands were successfully removed and the doctor screamed out in pain, jumping into the air a bit and backing away from the door. He looked around in a panic "I think a spider just bit me!" he screamed like a child. He began to rant at Adam about how the day was getting worse as it progressed, but Lillian only cared that the path had been cleared and stepped into the room. The room was more spacious then anything she was used to, but still drab and depressing. The walls were white, the bed was white, the frame of the bed was the only colour in the room as it was made of brass, but it was still rather plain. There was a white bedside table, something Lily was sure the staff felt was a luxury, which had two drawers. Lillian planned to ignore the drawers as she didn't want to draw attention to the room, but noticed something odd that quickly changed her mind. The area around the drawers had a strange feeling of static around it, as she moved closer it was as if she were standing in the lab of Nikola Tesla, whose machines spat electricity into the air. While that on its' own was peculiar, what stood out more was the fact that Lillian could feel it at all. While her talent was active the only sensation she could experience was that of physical pressure, and she did not feel it in the traditional sense but felt it in a manor akin to trying to push magnets of the same polarity into one another. You did not feel physical resistance so much as the strong opposing force resulting from the interaction. Lillian decided exploring this was worth someone spotting the drawers opening on their own and pulled open the top then bottom drawer. There was nothing of note in either, just some papers covered in child's drawings in the top drawer, and a few pairs of undergarments, gowns, and socks in the bottom. A quick sift through the clothing revealed nothing hidden within the folds. Lillian glanced back towards the door , which consisted of her inverting the focus point of her non-existent eyes, and noticed that Adam was standing in the door way with his back to the room. Whether he had noticed the drawers opening on their own or his talent was leading him to hel her was unclear, regardless it meant she was free to be a bit more thorough. Lillian did not need to think for long to determine what to do next. When children were in new and scary place they hid things, and in such a sparse room there was only one place to hide anything. Lilly pulled hard on the bottom drawer and pulled it completely out of the table, setting it aside carefully and quietly. Unsurprisingly the space behind the drawer was filled with nick-knacks and treasures. Most seemed like items the young girl had swiped from around the facility, but two stuck out to Lily immediately as they were exuding a strange purple aura that looked like fire. She grabbed both items, a stuffed rabbit wearing a suit and bow tie, and a glass ornament for a Christmas tree with a dancing ballerina trapped within, and immediately dropped both; at the mere contact with the items a flood of terrible emotions washed over her mind as if someone had collected memories in liquid form and doused her with them. Fear, anxiety, confusion, paranoia, vulnerability, sadness, depression, loneliness. Each feeling came with a flash of a memory as though she were reliving moments of her past; A woman crying over the forms of her dead children which she had drowned herself; a man afraid of his brother who raved and screamed terrible things at him as the doctors of the facility pulled him away in a straight jacked; a child curled up in the corner, eyes squeezed shut tight, afraid of things that no one else could see but them. She had only touched the items for the briefest of moments, but she received the memories of hundreds of people in that time. Luckily they were brief, and but flashes, as Lily was unsure if she could have dealt with more than that. Lillian precured two of the drawings from the upper drawer and used the paper to retrieve both items. She carefully placed the drawer back in its' place, and had a better look at the toy and the ornament. Once in the light, she realized the flames didn't have a colour at all but were simply an aura that warped the colours around it, like heat waves coming off the rooves of Prague on a particularly hot summer day. It was also much clearer that the strange static field was coming from the two objects. Lily could feel the tiny pin pricks of static all over her non-body, with exceptions to her hands which felt as if they were going numb from the shocks despite the paper barrier -numbness was another feeling she was unused to feeling while her talent was active-. Both items were charged with intense negative emotions, a concept Lillian was familiar with, though she had never before seen it so such a degree. It were as if the toy and the ornament were reservoirs that the little girl had been filling with the negative psychic emanations of everyone in the asylum. Doubting there was much more she could do with the Doctor so close, Lillian slipped the ornament into one of Adam's pockets. He felt the sudden shift of weight in his pocket and placed a hand against it, feeling the new addition to his person. While his hand was partially out of view of the doctor Lily pushed the rabbit into it and hoped Adam could think of something on the spot that would allow him to hide the toy. With the girl missing, the rabbit and the ornament might be a way with which to locate her. [/color]