A thousand synapses fire, and every one of them is screaming in panic. A princess is! Is kneeling! Kneeling in front of her, oh Hera and Aphrodite this isn't how it's supposed to go, this isn't how it happened in the books! Quick! What does she remember about the Ceronians, she had to have served with some, what did they do, unless oh fuck they've been on their own for so long would that have changed the forms aaaaaaaaagh--Kneel! Kneel back! That's gotta be the right answer! And it's only the strictly enforced discipline of Molech that keeps the descent from being more gangly than it is. She must be perfect. Must be graceful. "A thousand pardons," she intones, eyes carefully fixed on the floor. "I did not hear you approach. and lack the knowledge of your customs. May I have the honor of knowing in which manner to address you?"