The cries, the screams, Kevin tried to ignore it all as they went on. As they went on, the car began trying to maneuver through cars that were broken down, that was when Kevin saw the huge road block ahead and sighed. It was like the All-Star said, roads were blocked and they would have to get used to walking, especially since he saw that large group of dead walking towards them. He wasted no time in getting out of the car, they couldn't go forward, they couldn't go back, best bet was to run. It seemed as if he wasn't the only one thinking this as All-Star got out at the same time as him, and then 'Save me' guy after them. Of course, Kevin would follow All-Star, hell it was a good plan. The guy had armor, one of those things tried biting him then he'd just pushed them on All-Star, while they tried eating through his suit--hell, they might not, but worth the thought anyways--then he could just bash their head in and help All-Star up. Ok, maybe that was too much of a dick move, he wouldn't do that. But running with him was better than staying in that car where they would be trapped by the horde. As they ran, All-Star hit the dead away with his spear handle, Kevin smacked them away hard with his wrench, it seemed to be working as it made a clear path for the two. He didn't know how the others would fair against this, if they were fast enough then they could run through their path, if not then they could make their own. Kevin stopped caring at the moment, as his own life was on the line, he knew a few adults could take care of themselves and didn't need his worrying. Besides, there was nothing he could do to help them....