[@Lugubrious] I’m continuing the conversation from the Interest Check. So in response to your points, here are some of my own: - My character would be the son of two Kin. They basically tolerate him being a Deviant for now, and are pretty much just waiting for him to eventually become a Kin as well. To that end they encourage him to indulge in entertainment, which lead him to playing video games a lot. But unlike the Kin, he becomes interested in understanding computers rather than just consuming the content of others. This would lead to him dabbling in hacking. - As he becomes older he begins to despise the Kin lifestyle, which leads him to Deviant chat rooms. He quickly becomes involved with a Deviant revolutionary group. They start as anarchists armed with knives and bats, causing trouble. This eventually draws the attention of the Jesters, or whatever the Cave authorities would be called, who quickly crack down on the Deviants. - Realizing that they were backed into a corner, most of the revolutionaries fled the Cave, going to another world. My character would have fled to Earth, where he made a life in the frontier, receiving proper combat training. This went on for several years before he was contacted by the other revolutionaries. They decided that it was time to begin raids on the Cave. For fear of becoming Kin themselves, each operative was limited in how long they could remain in the Cave. My character would of just finished a round of raids, leaving the Cave and returning to Earth. When he is approached by the Interest, who offer aid for the revolutionaries if he assists them. That’s just my thoughts. If all that sounds good I’ll begin working on a character sheet.