[h3][i]Lenox Hill Hospital New York City, New York, USA July 7th, 2023 12:30PM EDT[/i][/h3] Just as Danny helped caty to her feet, the assassin also got up. He effortlessly knocked Danny aside, sending flying like it was nothing. He ended up crashing into a wall. Instead of crashing and hurting himself though, he ended up sticking to the wall. [color=f49ac2]"Wait, what?"[/color] Great, he can stick to walls. That's totally useful... Danny watched the assassin and his sister go at it. He was reminded of the times he got bullied in high school. How he had been beaten up. and tossed aside like garbage. This time would be different. This time he had power. Now he could actually do something. The question is what was he going to do. He couldn't just go in for the punch again. The man would just knock him aside again. Soon, Danny got an ide. He seemed to be able to cling to surfaces, he wondered if he could move up the wall. Sure enough, he could. he managed to climb up the wall, and managed to get up onto the cieling. He took back his earlier thought. This was definitely useful. He was latched on the cieling, waiting for the perfect opportunity. The assassin was busy. He would never thing to look up. When the moment was right, he unlatched himslef, and landed right on top of the man's shoulders. Then he started punching the man's head, repeatedly. [color=f49ac2]"Ha! Take that!"[/color] He had to admit, it felt good being the one delivering the beating for a change...