It was only a bit of time that everyone split up. Maggie looked about, having to watch a majority of the performers passing by, as well as glanced at the people that sat at the tables. Something did not sit right, and she wasn't only talking about the strange markings that were all over Fae's upper body. She was aware of them, but she didn't want Blake's situation to trouble everyone, and waste their time. So, once they found the appropriate time to be alone, where Fae was a lot more calm, Maggie could potentially approach her on the subject. However, the time to actually do so, wasn't fluid, since she traveled in a different direction, along with Dianna disappearing shortly afterwards, leaving Maggie by herself. Trying to observe the guests, as well as the employees, everything seemed like a regular vacation's evening. However, by the time she turned her upper body around to look behind her, she did notice one of the bartenders, glancing at her, from the bar. Her eyes widened a little, with her lips slightly gaping, she eventually looked away at her drink, when it seemed to be prolonged. It wasn't a look of curiosity, but rather, vigilance, as if he was looking out. As scattered as she may be in the head, Maggie wasn't dim enough to not know that someone was watching her. Sniffing around, Scooby did indeed bump into one of the Blakes. "R'ae!", he said, giving her a lick, before shaking his head at her question. He then continued to sniff the ground, shortly before perking up. "R'urgers! (Burgers)", he barked, darting off into the bushes, and through the trees. "Fae!", Maggie's voice called, waving over to her from the table, avoiding to turn back at the bartender, in the distance. Meanwhile, at one of the dance performances, Velma observed a tribal dance, around a fire. Everything seemed like your ordinary entertainment venue, until she looked over at the guests, where she could see a few of the college kids, in the further back end of the crowd, staring straight ahead from where they stood, and chanting under their breaths, as if they were in some sort of trance. At the same time, these words seem to be blending in too well with the music of the performance. That's strange. 'A magic spell', she was told. Were these people she was seeing, the victims of this? Who would be doing it? And, why?