[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200801/1feff4d45c38eae1315e288c427dc5a6.png[/img][/center] Eclipse blinked in surprise at the sudden change of tune from Drought. She had seemed so ambivalent and uncaring when they first came in, and now she was offering to help them. He wasn't sure the reason they were going to the holding cells and that made him a bit nervous. Despite his misgivings he turned to follow after the large SandWing as Aardwolf bowed his head respectfully and moved to stand a few steps behind and to the right of the Outclaw leader. He gave Dreamseeker a confused glance. He was so out of his element in this kind of situation that the best he could do is try to keep the two of them alive. He didn't think that Drought wanted to do anything to harm them, but if she did then he wasn't sure what chance they'd have at getting away as sore as they were. He also had Skua to think about, still asleep in the healer's tent. He would have no idea where they were if something should happen and the likelihood of him leaving without them was incredibly slim. His friend would tear the city apart to find him. Following the two SandWings out of the tent he could see the immediate quick snaps of guards correcting their stances and other dragons moving to get out of the way to allow them to pass by. Heads were lowered with respect and the guards kept a close eye on anyone that might be creeping a bit to close to them. He didn't really think it was necessary, the massive black stinger on the end of Drought's tail would be enough to keep him away, and he imagined many others wouldn't want to tangle with the experienced leader. As they weaved their way through the streets of the city he couldn't keep track of all of the twists and turns between buildings and past market stalls. He was so used to flying through the air around the mountain peaks of the Sky Kingdom that walking on the ground of a city felt weird. He'd just have to trust that the intentions of The Outclaws was at least somewhat good. He dropped back a couple of steps to walk next to Dreamseeker; still keeping near enough to the SandWings to not get left behind, but far enough that he could whisper without being heard. [color=ed1c24][b]"What kind of help do you think she's offering us?"[/b][/color] he kept his voice quiet, [color=ed1c24][b]"And in the holding cells no less. It feels strange."[/b][/color]