[Center][IMG] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/bc4ab9d0-fef2-41ef-b97b-ca99f1513563.png[/IMG][/Center] [B]Kyle Rayner’s Studio Apartment Los Angeles 11:00am Local Time[/B] Having started out as a cartoonist for a little circulated series of short-lived Sunday comics, Kyle Rayner hadn’t seriously considered a career in sculpting. He didn’t really like the feel of the mud on his hands, the need to pay attention to the moisture in the air, the temperature, and the like but he’d taken to it recently. He’d been a Green Lantern for the better part of a decade and had grown accustomed to wielding the wild whims of his own willpower, intimidating and inspiring the viridescent incandescence into innumerable incarnations. For those in the know, it was often thought that using his own hard light to operate his own pottery wheel was cheating because he didn’t have to deal with the imprecision common to all machinery. They were wrong. There’s nothing convenient about keeping the image of the gears turning steadily around their focus while also working his fingers through the unforgiving earth. Even the slightest lapse in— [I][B]--ZEEE- ZEEE- ZEEE- ZEEE- ZEEE-[/B][/I] [B][Color=LimeGreen]“Yaagck!”[/Color][/B] he screams as he faces a personal catastrophe. Five hours of gear turning, hand washing, meticulously implemented measurements catapulted upon his face as his hand, spurred by the Justice League emergency alert, impaled his immaculate investment. [I]PRIORITY ALERT UNKNOWN ASSAILANTS IN S.T.A.R. LABS, TOKYO MULTIPLE CIVILIAN FATALITIES PLEASE RESPOND[/I] No time to mourn his momentary monument, the clay washes off of his being as his protective aura streams like a waterfall into his rubbish bin. The entire room had been overlaid with a hard light shield, making clean up a synch. It was actually a trick he’d learned from Sinestro trying to kill him. Uniform in place, the man in green rockets out his windowsill and trails a streak of emerald lightning across the Los Angeles skyline before increasing his thrust and luminescence and tracking into the troposphere and beyond, taking mere minutes to make his way to the moonlit metropolis. [Center][B][sub](TRAVEL POST; NO PROGRESS MADE TOWARD EVENT)[/sub][/B][/Center]