The Michael stepped forwards to follow the other mechs off the ship, locking into the catapult's mag-locks and preparing its boosters. [color=92278f]<>[/color] she stated as a take-off message before following the Voyager's lead and leaning forwards a little. The catapult shot the Orbital forwards and that was all there was to it. Stel was pushed downwards and backwards on the "seat" and managed to barely time the boosters to get her up off the ship and down towards the planet. A few moments later she was close to crashing into the ground a ways behind the others, lucky that the Michael was able to right itself or she may have made a landing, [i]sideways.[/i] The heavy armament was built to withstand heat, so entry was no problem on that front, but it definitely [i]wasn't[/i] built to go through that much of a fall in a planet's gravity. Stel was lifted upwards from the fall and stayed airborne for a few seconds before she crashed back down onto and bounced back off the padding she was laying on as the boosters kicked up to slow her decent and stabilize her. Luckily her comms weren't open when she screamed perhaps slightly melodramatically. She was about to drop the boosters' output when she got the Bedwyr's warning. She hesitated, but it didn't look like she'd be able to keep herself in the air even if she wanted to. She lamented the design choice of only being able to fly like an arrow and not like a bird before she carefully landed on the edge of the LZ. [color=92278f]<>[/color] she said to anyone who would listen.