"My apologies for taking your time sir." Dia started, thinking of the right words to say before she bit the bullet and started to speak. "I have to make the lunches for a new patient that is planned to come in, who has a gluten intolerance and I was wondering if it was something that is extremely severe or if the patient was able to live with things that were made around Gluten." She continued, "My other staff are unhappy with the idea of having to make specific meals for a patient whos' state might mean they won't even eat the food offered. It would be a waste of time, man power, money and food." Dia let out a small breathe as she finished, keeping an eye on where Benjamin was- hoping that her words were enough to make an amount of time needed for them to find Rays body. Ray floated behind Benjamin, but as he looked into the second room she suddenly floated in- drawn into the room by something. She floated gently around the bed in the room, where her body lay asleep on the bed. [i]"Its... me."[/i] She uttered out loud. [hr] Sara took the coin and looked at it for a moment, looking over to Marc as he put his into his machine and asked about street food. She tossed up the options, especially now that she seemed to be clear of mind somehow. "Street food sounds great." She said with a bit of a grin, putting her coin in and watched the machine wurr to life before she started to slide the balls into the ramp and watched some bounce off the holes and some hit others.