Darin was about to say that of course she would go with Ridahne to see the grave of Khaltira. For one thing there was no way that Darin was letting anyone she cared about face that monster even if that monster was already dead. For another thing Darin wanted to know what the Sols had done with the body. If Khalitira had been honored in anyway shape or form her displeasure with the Sota-Sol would increase tenfold and all of Azurei would know it. The Seed-Bearer wouldn’t stand for a traitor to Azurei, The Tree, and all of Astra being honored, even in death. She didn’t get a chance to before the sounds of another person approaching the stables were heard. She was puzzled by Ridahne’s strange actions. They seemed almost familiar, but she was sure that the warrior had never acted like this before. What happened next explained why Ridahne was acting so strangely, as a strange man came into the stable, was blinded by Ridahne, retaliated, and only stopped when he heard the warrior’s laughing. That was when it clicked for Darin and she politely adverted her eyes as Ridahne Torzinei and Ajoran Teleisun have their reunion in peace. Though what she saw from the corner of her eye seemed familiar as well. She just wished she could place it. Ridahne drew Darin’s attention back to the conversation as she mentioned asking her. She smiled at the newcomer and was just about to introduce herself when he swept her up in his arms the same way Hadian had. Unlike Hadian he picked her up off her feet to swing her in a circle before setting her down. Her eyes grew wide in alarm as the action suddenly reminded her why it was all so familiar and she felt like she had been punched in the stomach and all the air in her lungs had been pushed out. Luckily Ajoran was distracted for just a moment so Darin had time to turn her look of shock and dismay into a least a small smile. Ridahne would know something was wrong, but hopefully wouldn’t pry. Darin let out a small laugh as she spoke in Azurei, “I am Darin Torzenei, daughter of Martin by Talia, Seed-Bearer of Astra.” She gestured to Ridahne, “As she has said She is Ridahne Torzenei Seed-Chained, Guardian of Astra.” She pointed to the man, “You are Taja Ajoran Teleisun. I have heard nothing but good things about you, I am delighted to meet you, and at some point soon I would have words alone with you.” She turned to her sister and let her expression turn serious, “However, for now, I will let you two reunite in private.” She moved to the door of the stable and lightly ran a finger along Ridahne’s arm, “The last person who did what he just did to me was Martin, son of Gregory by Edith. I would appreciate it if you didn’t let anyone else do it again.” She smiled at the both of them as she finally reached the door, “Come find me when you are done catching up so I can clean up.” She reassured Ridahne, “We’ll talk later I promise.” With that Darin left the stable and the reunited lovers. She hoped Ridahne didn’t think she was running off. She planned to talk to the warrior about this, but later, after she and Ajoran had a moment to themselves. Taja flew out just as the door closed to land on her shoulder. It was easy enough to find a secluded corner where she figured she could be left alone to think, but close enough that Ridahne could find her. Then she began to pace as she chewed at a hangnail. The way the two of them acted, it had been the same way Martin, son of Gregory by Edith, and Talia, daughter of Mark by Emilie, had acted before things had gone horribly wrong. It had been the way things had been forever. Martin would come home from working the fields, kiss Talia passionately, and then spin Darin around. That life had been soured in one night. Darin stopped pacing as she looked back towards the stable. She suddenly remembered comparing Ridahne to Martin. Yet, it seemed that Ajoran forgave Ridahne for leaving him, so maybe it wasn’t quite the same. It wasn’t just the familiar actions that had unsettled the young human. It was also the fact that she was just hit by another realization. It had taken longer than it should have, but first she had been distracted by what Hadian could teach her and then by her anger at the Sols. Now that she wasn’t, she realized that she was envious of Ridahne and had been for at least two days, possibly as long as a week. Darin wasn’t jealous of the romance she had with Ajoran. Romance never really crossed her mind. She wasn’t jealous of her relationship with Hadian. Hadian himself made that impossible with how loving and welcoming her had been. Darin was envious just because Ridahne had come home and Darin wasn’t going to get to see her home for at least a year, possibly more, probably more. She still had to zigzag though the three human kingdoms before she got home, and suddenly, for the first time in a long time, the only thing Darin want to do was go home. Darin sank to put all her weight on her toes as she bent her knees and crossed her arms over her stomach as a bout of powerful homesickness washed over her. Though no one would hear her, she whispered to the hot air, “I want my mama.” Tears began to crawl down her cheeks, “I want to go home.”