[hr][hr][center][h3][color=cc33ff][b]Guin Stark[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/R0DGpSD.png?1[/img][hr][hr][b][color=cc33ff]Location:[/color][/b] the Blackbird Hangar [b][color=cc33ff]Skills:[/color][/b] Telepathy [hr][/center] Guin put her helmet back on. She would have to fix the suit up, since the helmet was designed to be retractable and go down into the suit - not to be ripped off and thrown across the room. The most annoying thing about it all was that it left her with an exposed point at her neck that her crazed Asgardian foe could exploit. Her eyes darted over towards the appearance of a holographic shield as it surrounded Neil, rapidly decreasing in size although it wasn't crushing him. [color=cc33ff][i]I think Edus Penis is gay for Neil![/i][/color] Guin eagerly whispered telepathically to her beau. [color=cc33ff]"Oi, Mr. Stark is my dad - he's Silver Balls,"[/color] Guin corrected Iris with a smirk. Iris was rapidly improving with her jokes and battlefield mannerisms, so much that Guin felt like she could have been her own protégé. Maybe whenever she died, Iris would become the next Iron Star. It would be so cool to have a mantle that was passed down like that. Of course, Pietro probably wouldn't think of it the same way. She was his little conscience, his Jiminy Cricket - without her around, who knew what sort of stupid decisions he would make. So many things were happening though all at once. Klara was batting Iris around, Ed apparently had been snapped out of it, Bethany had brought the hungry hungry hippos to life, and Lance had mentioned that they could trick Klara. Guin glanced up at the ceiling and blasted the portions around Klara, sending a shower of rubble down on the Asgardian. She then tried to use her telepathy to knock her out, but she couldn't quite get a lock on her - Asgardian minds were nothing like the human and mutant ones she usually messed with - and really, Guin hardly practiced her telepathy. [hr][hr][center][h3][color=12ABB0][b]Neil Spellman[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/3RnqLcdD/image.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=12ABB0]Location:[/color][/b] the Blackbird Hangar [b][color=12ABB0]Skills:[/color][/b] Minor Molecular Combustion [hr][/center] Luckily, Neil wasn't claustrophobic. He and his cousin Rebecca used to hide in coffins from their aunties, the game lasting for hours at a time. When he was a kid, he thought his aunties were just very bad at looking for them - it was only last year when they finally confessed they used the time to drink and take a nap. It had almost prepared him enough for the sensation of being caged in, with everything closing in around him. His view was tinted thanks to the color of the shield. [color=12ABB0]"Edus, let me out, this isn't you!"[/color] Neil begged. He kicked himself for not knowing how to counteract a curse or how to chant for protection. He should have known magic and been able to stop Klara. It wasn't too long though before the shield dropped, and Neil stumbled forward, free. The hippos were bewildering, but he knew that Klara's magic was the more dangerous threat. She also seemed incredibly pissed at him over the loss of her eye. So Neil, drawing on the basic lines of defense his aunties had taught him, tried to gouge out Klara's other eye. He tried to make it implode in on itself, but his aim was off. Instead, he ended up completely destroying Klara's already wounded eye, just in time for Stark to send a pile of rubble down on the Asgardian. He really hoped that the hippos weren't about to sneak up on him. [hr] Runa's eyes lit up with inspiration as Carolina explained the rules of the game. She had an idea on how they could get out of the Jungle, beyond just waiting for someone to roll the correct number. Spells as intricate as this could also have a backdoor of sorts, a weak point. [color=#a81a75]"If we travel to the center of the Jungle and call out Jumanji, the spell may be lifted. This is too intricate for Loki to have precise control at every point. We may be able to trick his magic into thinking the conditions have been met."[/color] She didn't wait another second before leaving the shelter, emerging into an area dense with trees.