[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.insider.com/576eae2cdd089531228b4877?width=600&format=jpeg&auto=webp[/img][hr][b][color=007236]Location:[/color][/b] Argo III - Galley -> Upper Deck [color=007236][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Shapeshifting[hr][hr][/center] [color=007236]"I feel like you are going to use this to be a stupid idiot later, but honestly snakes. Not all reptiles, but mainly snakes, never really cared much for them and had a sort of bad experience with one when I was younger out in my family's garden, now you have been warned, you try and mess with me using that and you are going to find yourself a one way ticket straight to the ground, you may be able to shapeshift but given your luck so far going to bet you are gonna fall a bit first, or I could just step on your head and crush you by accident out of reflex,"[/color] she responded to Demetri's question with a shrug, before heading after the others up above to see what the hell was even going on. Glancing up towards the sky, she caught a glimpse of the dragons, and then glanced over as Demetri changed shape into a very small (and adorable) baby dragon. Seeing that, Mary couldn't help but laugh at him, [color=007236]"As I said, you have terrible luck, how about I show you what changing into a [i]real[/i] dragon looks like? Of course I'm going to take some liberties and not be a [i]fire[/i] breathing dragon, I hate fire,"[/color] she said, before she went over and changed shape as well. Soon, she was a red dragon, which was larger then Demetri's form, and she sent a blast of ice directly towards the dragons, managing to hit one of them, but it didn't seem to do much damage and she took off into the air, keeping close to the boat at least, [color=007236]"You do realize two dragons fighting are going to notice us rather quickly if I had to guess, so just hiding in a bubble isn't probably going to help,"[/color] she couldn't help but comment to Rebecca. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Jason Gauger[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://em.wattpad.com/be4b97dc37a2a993685ec29fdf1c70341a2e4f95/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f396c44796257746c636f357130513d3d2d3534333239383331342e3135313862396263306162616563373537323330313335313934302e676966[/img][hr][b][color=0072bc]Location:[/color][/b] Argo III - Upper Deck [color=0072bc][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[hr][hr][/center] To say the fact that he was glad that Arthur didn't seem to be in a somewhat bad mood anymore or whatever and seemed to understand how things more or less world worked was a bit of an understatement. At least he and Rebecca didn't seem to be having too many problems anymore (hopefully anyway), so at least now they could potentially coexist. When there was the sound of a roar, he glanced up to the air, and looked to try and see if he could see where it was coming from. [color=0072bc]"Am I de ahnly one wahnderin what de 'ell dat was?"[/color] he asked as Alannah sounded the alarm. He was still looking around trying to figure out what the hell was out there as he pulled his own sword out and the others eventually joined them. That's when he saw what looked like dragons in the air, and the next thing he knew, there were two dragons by them, one was a small little one, and the other was a larger, and if he was being honest one that actually looked like a dragon and not a chew toy. [color=0072bc]"Dat is definitely naht sahmethin you see everyday, ded naht know dragahns were real..."[/color] he commented, not even sure who had shifted into the baby one and who had shifted into the larger one. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=85CAFF]Janelle Gauger[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/63/fe/4b/63fe4bfc546b98f7deda618daefb2477.gif[/img][hr][b][color=85CAFF]Location:[/color][/b] Washington DC [color=85CAFF][b]Skills:[/b][/color][hr][hr][/center] [color=85CAFF]"'ow about you bot relax and try naht to dink about what could 'ave 'appened. All dat matters is dat it dedn't 'appen like dat and we were able to knahck 'er ooeht cahld,"[/color] Janelle said calmly, giving both Kristin and Zeke a bit of a smile as she spoke. The two of them arguing and fighting was not something that they really needed at the moment, not to mention they really didn't have all too much time for this sort of thing. She wasn't against the idea of bringing the girl with them, since they could question her a bit later regarding everything. [color=85CAFF]"Let's get goin den if we are goin to, though what should we say if sahmeone asks why you're carryin 'er?"[/color] she couldn't help but ask as she used her cane to more or less start navigating her way towards the bus. Despite being in an area she was unfamiliar with, Janelle was fairly adept at adapting and learning, managing to follow her hearing to find her destination with some ease. She hated having to potentially rely on everyone else to get to her destination, and she knew that as an adult she likely couldn't rely on that sort of help all of the time, it made her feel better to rely on her own abilities and no one else.