[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 691 (+1 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]6[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 15/60 [b]Location:[/b] Edge of the Blue[/color][/center] A loud splash drew the Cadet's attention from the living ship. He spotted Sakura overboard, along with various safety devices thrown down to help her climb back onto the ship. [i]Or "shippy," I guess,[/i] he thought, letting his thoughts wander off as they often did once it was clear that the girl wasn't in danger. Water logged maybe, but otherwise she seemed alright, thankfully. Ace Cadet chuckled along with Sakura and Bowser Jr., although the latter's tone made it seem he was more laughing at her, not with her, but regardless between her spill and Shippy's debut, it was a nice distraction from the bleak plan the hooded figure tried laying out for them. Though speaking of that plan, the hunter's mind was brought back to it when he quickly turned away from Sakura when she stripped off her uniform, even though she had a training outfit underneath. It was only polite, right? Facing the sea once again, the Cadet squinted ahead at the dark swirling path of sea a little ways off. [color=salmon]"Y'think that's the place the woman was talking about?"[/color] asked to no one in particular. He searched the waves for any hint of a fin or shadow, any clue at all about exactly what kinds of monsters they would be dealing with. Piscine Wyverns? Leviathans? Carapaceons? Or something like a big fish, or weirder? All he could see from the ship's bow was fog for the most part. Cadet dragged his eyes over the waves around the area too, but likewise didn't spot anything of interest until he was looking straight down over the rail into the water below. The flash of scales sparkled in his eyes. Many scales. A school of a fish? Brineybeard confirmed that yes, the sea was teeming with fish in this area. Lucky day indeed! [color=salmon]"Captain!"[/color] Cadet exclaimed, leaving his spot by the rail and running up to the man, clapping the pirate on his shoulders with both of his hands. The hunter's face clearly expressed his excitement. [color=salmon]"We can use your rods? Gargwawesome! Thank you!"[/color] The Cadet hurried over to the case the captain indicated, eagerly removing the equipment from it. The took a few, intending to hand them out to the others aboard. Truthfully, the Cadet wasn't the best fisherman, but he wasn't the worst either! And fish were so useful! Their scales, organs, and bones could be turned into a variety of things, not to mention their worth as food. It would be interesting to see what kind of fish lived in an ocean like this. Ace Cadet made his way down the line, offering a fishing rod to everyone: Geralt, Isabelle, Link, Cuphead, and Hat Kid. Although Sakura was busy with a martial arts routine and pointing out a battle on a nearby ship that the Cadet hadn't even noticed until now, he nonetheless offered her one as well. [color=salmon]"Here, if you want!"[/color] he said, to each person. On his way to the pair of Koopas, Kamek suggested a wager for the area boss' spirit. [color=salmon]"Oho, interesting,"[/color] Ace Cadet said with a grin. [color=salmon]"I'm up for it! Biggest, coolest, and most-est fish?"[/color] He glanced at Bowser Jr. struggling with the spear and handed off a rod to Kamek in case the boy decided to change his mind, or if they laid down any rules which was the next thing the hunter asked about. [color=salmon]"Are you thinking a fishing free-for-all? 'Cause I might have an advantage if we don't stick to fishing rods,"[/color] he laughed. To demonstrate, he strode over to the rail once more and switched his slinger from grappling mode to net mode. [i]That piscine researcher would give me such a scolding for this,[/i] Cadet thought to himself. He reached his arm over the water, taking aim at a large group of fish. Once the school was close enough he activated the slinger and the net attachment shot out into the water with the same force it used to haul heavy hunters up steep cliffs. When the cable was reeled in and the hunter lifted the net onto the deck, there were several squirming fish inside of it.[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4DgO1VH.png[/img] [color=FFC6C6]Word Count: 757 (+2) [u]Level[/u]: [b]2[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 0/20 [b]Location[/b]: Sandswept Sky[/color] [hider=LEVELED UP!]New Power: [b]Dark Magic.[/b] Primrose's aptitude for dark magic has returned to her. She can cast wide range waves of dark magic to damage multiple enemies at once with her [i]Night Ode[/i] spell, or concentrate her magic into a more powerful single target spell: [i]Moonlight Waltz.[/i] ***[/hider][/center] Settled back in her seat, Primrose listened to the others talk. She had no recommendations to offer Sectonia, so she kept quiet. Sure, Primrose had some reads on most of the people in the Alcamoth, but they were all mostly the same: heroic types. There were precious few that the dancer had gotten to know beyond a passing conversation in a hallway. It was interesting to hear some opinions about the people she'd been spending her time with though. Even more interesting though was the queen's delegation. That man, Vandham, explained most of it before the three teams left, but a lot of it went over Primrose's head even if the whole concept intrigued her. In another life if she'd grown up to be the noblewoman she was meant to be, perhaps she would have enjoyed retaining knights and sending them on quests. Instead she was here, in another desert, listening to an colorful insect queen give instructions to a little flying pig with a bright ball coming out of it's head. Focusing on the bizarre amused Primrose, and a smirk grew on her face the longer she thought about it. However once Fox joined them on the bus again, she wiped the smile away and instead fixed the furry man with an expectant look, raising one of her eye brows as she did so. A silent bid for information. He was the only one that spoke with the strange woman after all. Midna mirrored her curiosity - but the rest of the group was more enthralled with the giant mechanical animal. Once the group got moving again in a new direction, Primrose once again gazed out of the window, trying to get a better look at the thing as they approached it. [i]What an adventurous group,[/i] the dancer mused to herself. Frankly she would have steered clear of that thing and continued on toward the mountain if she were in charge... then again, her previous companions came to mind as they so often did, and she could easily see Tressa and Cyrus trying to convince everyone else to investigate such a strange contraption. Face with that kind of enthusiasm, Primrose might have caved. Once the cat car drew closer to the beast, it was clear just how massive it truly was. [i]Who could have built something like this?[/i] Primrose pressed her hand against the glass, watching the machine walk, then look towards them, then start building electricity... [i]Oh, no.[/i] Primrose turned away swiftly, her hands flying up to cover her head as the lightning crashed down nearby and rocked the car even harder than the erratic driving did. When the group had put some distance between themselves and the beast, Primrose caught her breath and looked back at it. Panther asked if they should try and tackle the thing while Midna (apparently in favor of attacking it) let loose a flurry of what Primrose could only guess were expletives. [color=D34C25]"...that's strange,"[/color] Primrose said after a few moments of watching the false camel continue moving on. [color=D34C25]"It's not chasing after us. It only attacked when we got close."[/color] She turned her eyes back to her new companions within the car. [color=D34C25]"If it were alive that would be normal for an animal, but it is a construct. I would wager it's protecting something."[/color] Something inside of itself the dancer guessed, considering there didn't seem to be any real landmarks nearby the machine. [color=D34C25]"...or someone,"[/color] Primrose continued, [color=D34C25]"See the buildings on it's back? Perhaps it houses someone who controls it."[/color] Of course, that was all just a hypothesis. After speaking her mind, Primrose looked towards the shining mountain and the leviathan that circled it. Would it be worth it to investigate this machine further, or just continue toward the mountain? If the creature was guarding some treasure, would that even be helpful? [color=D34C25]"...who's to say the sun even sets here?"[/color] Primrose said, glancing at Midna before continuing, [color=D34C25]"I am of the mind that we should go on to the mountain, but if you all believe it would be worth it to have a look inside that creature... I would think our flying friends have the best chance of disrupting that lightning bolt."[/color] Primrose sat back in her seat, casually smoothing the fabric of her dancer's outfit. [color=D34C25]"And unless that camel has a thing for brunettes, I don't think I will be much help unless we get onto it,"[/color] she finished with a small shrug. It was true, battling giant mechanical monsters was just a little bit outside of her experience.