Artemis couldn't believe all this was happening and that she really was up in space, she felt joy and safety now that she wasn't on her own planet anymore. Those years of survival had made it hard to relax and so she was happy it had happened once more. That she could just enjoy the moment without worry of what would happen. Truth to be told, she soon would meet the rest of his kind and that made her very nervous. She didn't know what they were like and she was terrified that they would change her mind about her. "Humans are smart and aware of our aggression. One very smart human called Stephen Hawking once said that space exploration was the future for humanity if we were able to control our aggression. If not that said aggression would be our downfall. And he was right." she simply said as she had seen the way he responded about the movie. She wondered if she could ever show their kind what the problem was for the humans, that they could make sure it wouldn't be their downfall. She wanted her species to become better, to be surviving, and thriving like his kind. "The pulling down is a force called gravity. At least that is what we call it," she said with a smile. "We don't know how to control it so we fought against it to make our ships go into space. With huge controlled explosions. Elon Musk was a man that made electric cars and he made the first rockets that went to space and actually landed back on earth." She said as she then chuckled. "Must look like a silly thing to you now," she said as she then watched as they moved towards the hatch. The ship opening itself up as he went through some barrier, one of his kind stood there, he looked tiny at first as he moved his hands to make it clear where he should land. Her eyes wide with wonder as she made sure to hold on to his chair as she wondered how bad the landing would be. Somehow it all was calmer as she then looked at him with a smile. not thinking about how much air would be on the ship, they seemed to be alike in that way after all. She didn't even think about the sicknesses they would have on the ship, it was something she was aware of, but she figured it all was controlled. Only to feel nervous as the ship landed, realizing that there was far less sound than she expected. Only the barking of commands as she moved to grab her suitcase. As the door to the pod opened, she looked into the spaceship, as a leaner looking male of his kind was standing close to the ship. He was the one that was just shifting boxes and he couldn't help but look at the human that was on the pod. Artemis then gave him a small smile and a wave as she tried to be nice, only to have him look away and get back to the working. It was only a few moments before another came out, it seemed he was closer to a warrior as he was broader like Azdrei'in. She then moved to get behind him, as she didn't know what he would do.