[color=gray][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/528055544267931661/1183338524284551178/coolector.png?ex=6587f8e1&is=657583e1&hm=22251cc77381244ccde0bee72e23c8335c2d7a6a009721755fb4452b6f528ff1&[/img] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/6b331b77db811b096061fef0c5ddbc90f571acd9/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f58434b7571517550677469396b773d3d2d3738383431393834342e313563386132373262313530386331653935333537373639373233362e676966[/img] [sub][b][color=ED930C]Çagatay Ulusoy[/color][/b] | [b][color=ED930C]#ED930C[/color][/b][/sub] [h3][color=ED930C][b]“[i]There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion.[/i]”[/b][/color] —[color=ED930C][b][i]EDGAR ALLAN POE[/i][/b][/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Name[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Haluk Osman Erdoğan[/indent] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Age[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]21[/indent] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Gender[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Whichever sexual or romantic direction your character swings, put it here. Absolutely no limits here, so feel free to put whatever applies best for your character.[/indent] [color=ED930C][b][sub]Ethnicity[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Turkish[/indent] [color=ED930C][b][sub]Years at Camp Half-Blood[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]5[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/CSaV4uDYtfhQfI2jGP/giphy.gif[/img] [color=ED930C][b]“[i]but if you're gonna start a rumble / don't you try it on alone[/i]”[/b][/color] — [b][i]Trouble | Elvis Presley[/i][/b][/center][hr] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Appearance[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]In his native Istanbul, Haluk stands above a lot of his countrymen at six feet and two inches. His broad shoulders and athletic build comes from a childhood of competitive sports and a knack for getting into trouble. His time at Olympus Academy did not change his personality and as a result he found himself working himself to the bone at whatever athletic interest that piqued his curiosity at the time. He’s competent at team sports, wrestling, and a slew of other things. Perhaps it’s just innate. Ethnically-speaking, the Greek side of his parentage isn’t all that dominant; his skin tone, complexion, and eyes are all reminiscent of his father and up until his admittance into Olympus Academy he thought he had the normal ethnic background someone from Istanbul would have. He had always known that his mother was Greek, but he never realized how Greek. Haluk’s hair is cut generally short, though he has worn it mid-length in the past. The dark brown colors often make people presume he has black hair, though this is not the case. His eyes are a lighter shade of brown, and a few tattoos on his arms show Haluk’s attempt at his own attempt to express himself. This extends to his choice in clothing to which he prefers casual yet stylish choices despite having the opportunity and wealth to pick the most expensive of items; the most expensive item is a watch he holds that was given to him by his now deceased grandfather.[/indent] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]The first word one could use to describe Haluk Erdoğan is defiant, though this is through no lack of respect to his family. Haluk just has always longed for a life that wasn’t so mundane and stereotypical. His mother’s lack of reverence towards convenience always inspired him and his grandfather’s advice to march to the beat of his own drum only emboldened this type of thinking as he got older. Ultimately, norms and stereotypical expectations are the antithesis of his life philosophy and he will fight to ignore order for the greater, individual good -- with key emphasis on the “individual” part. And when he isn’t allowed to be that individual or someone decides to personally piss him off, things tend to turn sour, and there’s nothing worse than an enraged Greek demigod trying to throw you out of a window. Haluk’s temperament is hot and unpredictable, which is rather inappropriate considering he’s supposed to be the son of the Greek goddess of wisdom, defense, and strategy. The only way someone would call Haluk’s anger issues as a benefit are few in number, but sometimes a strong offense is a great defense. It’s actually not in Haluk’s case, but he likes to pretend. That said, Haluk is rather decent at keeping a cool head as long as he stays away from alcohol, which considering his tendency to gravitate toward parties and other occasions doesn’t tend to happen. Being wise for his age doesn’t mean he listens to the common sense alarms that ring in his head when alcohol and hostile confrontation is involved. If the Headmaster of Olympus Academy didn’t know any better he would say Haluk is actually the son of Ares or Dionysus rather than the son of Athena. But perhaps Haluk’s wild and temperamental side that comes out is just the natural inverse to his comical antics and well-meaning playful personality. Though, with an irreverent perspective of life and a lean towards impulsive actions doesn’t translate Haluk’s intention with his jokes, which on occasion have offended people. But the young Turk prefers to apologize rather than ask permission. But in an academy full of Greek demigods, in a way it’s a place that can equally call him out on his bullshit as much as it can afford the backbone to dismiss a coarse devil-may-care sense of humor at the same time. All his flaws and eccentricities aside, Haluk isn’t entirely without some moral or ethical center. When it comes to his friends, he’ll follow them into the depths of Pandora’s Box if they needed him to. Such lengths relate to his innate sense of honor, fair play, and right to be the person his friends want to be. With the fairer sex he respects boundaries a great deal more, and in a hairy situation where he isn’t swinging fists in already tries to arbitrate or observe all of the factors before something escalates too far. These traits make Haluk give off the vibe of being an affable, trustworthy, and respectable human being. But everyone has their own perception of humanness. Hopefully, in the future people will see the whole picture and Haluk himself can learn some valuable lessons before he gets his head too far up his own ass.[/indent] [color=ED930C][sub][b]History[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]The son of a Turkish judicial authority by the name of Mehmet Erdoğan, Haluk has always had a sense of right and wrong from the onset. Before discovering his mother’s true nature at the age of sixteen, Haluk always perceived the semi-absentee parent as an important international businesswoman of Greek origin. For traditional Turkish families this concept was unconventional and as a child Haluk would often get teased for it, though his mother’s ambiguity never bothered him as much as the ignorance of his classmates and childhood friends did. He grew distrusting of revealing things to people due to this mockery, keeping his personal life and values close to his chest; though he never thought little of his mother. If anything, his mother was a mountain that commanded him to reach, no matter how absurd it may have been. His upbringing from his father and paternal grandparents wasn’t one that was very encouraging; his grandfather hated Haluk’s mother from the first time he met her and always assumed she was a “lying temptress of a thing”. Despite this feeling toward Haluk’s mother and his own growing annoyance with Mahmet’s insistence to not break it off and move on, the old Turk’s opinion of his grandson was nothing but positive. He supported Haluk in his creative aspirations such as sports and music, reinforced Haluk’s want to march to the beat of his own drum, and generally never told him anything harsh unless he acted out or embarrassed the family. This, of course, happened from time to time but generally Haluk understood his grandfather’s intentions despite being quite young. His first boon he had inherited from his mother was a conventional sort of wisdom, a perception of how life was. This helped him in social situations as an adolescent as well as comprehending the values his father had regarding law, good, and the concept that sometimes law and good were not exclusive to one another. As he grew into a teenager, Haluk began to saw more and more of his mother, much to the delight of his father. Things began to change within him and his mother sensed it, a fact that became all that apparent when Haluk survived a car accident in western Istanbul when he was just a month short of sixteen years old. It was then that his mother revealed that she was none other than the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and his life changed in a severe way. Everything began to make sense and Athena convinced his father the best course of action would be to send him to a “special school”.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://img.wattpad.com/d037087bf88651527d8a144c572d0c97e28f1f05/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f684b5f4f7547735f3244704c56773d3d2d3737343431363336322e313562633935396361336638653235393634363239393830363230392e676966[/img] [color=ED930C][b]“[i]Confident, perhaps a bit overconfident. Has Ares’ temper and Dionysus’ indulgences. Yet there is an inkling of a warrior’s honor in him and that might just temper him against the trials set ahead.[/i]”[/b][/color] — [color=ED930C][b][i]ATHENA, GODDESS OF WISDOM[/i][/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Cabin & Godly Parent[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Athena, Goddess of Wisdom[/indent] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Fatal Flaw[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Every Demigod has a fatal flaw associated with them due to their godly parent. Put your characters’ here.[/indent] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Weapons[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]List any weapons your character may possess. If none, then leave it blank/delete section.[/indent] [color=ED930C][sub][b]Demigod Abilities[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][color=white][b]Inspiration Inducement:[/b][/color] Athena was not only the goddess of wisdom and battle but also the goddess of courage. Haluk has inherited a fragment of this domain, allowing him to inspire others in the course of battle with great strength, conviction, and valor. [color=white][b]Shield Mimicry:[/b][/color] While in a pure defensive stance, Haluk can concentrate to form a pure kinetic barrier around his body with the properties of Athena’s Shield for a limited amount of time. The strength of this ability varies on artifact enhancement or a mixture of stamina and concentration. However, while this is active Haluk cannot use any form of attacks, ranged or otherwise. [color=white][b]Telumkinesis:[/b][/color] Athena’s role as the goddess of war and strategy has given Haluk the ability to draw from the magic of Olympus, drawing forth any weapon that Haluk would need at a given time and with that weapon he has perfect comprehension and control of it; the more weapons he draws the more the magic strains his stamina. This extends to modern weaponry, though nothing he can summon holds up against an artifact of Hephaestus. [color=white][b]Vehicle Intuition:[/b][/color] Haluk feels comfortable behind the wheel of a variety of vehicles. Whether it’s a vehicle Haluk has driven before or not, Athena’s boon of industry seems to have blessed him with the innate wisdom and ability to be a master of transportation.[/indent] [color=ED930C][b][sub]Misc Information[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]List anything that might not fit in other sections such as any pets, what your character’s room might look like, and any headcanons you have for them. Likes and dislikes and whatnot can also be put here but not required[/indent][/color]