[center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/j4reGhD.png[/IMG][/center] [@PaulHaynek] "[color=mediumpurple]Wrong! That is the incorrect answer![/color]" [color=gold]"WHAT!?"[/color] There was no way! He remembered the line itself about the goddess. "[color=tan]No! There are other gods of the sea besides Poseidon. She just happens to rule most of it.[/color]" "[color=mediumpurple]That is correct! The last point goes to you, Miss Owl Mage! [/color]" [color=gold]"Those gods still owe fealty to Poseidon so its not-"[/color] He bristled and then in a moment of weakness just raised his wings and crossed his arms. [color=gold]"Oh whatever!"[/color] He sulked. DANGIT! He almost had this! "[color=tan]It's Margaret. Margaret Alfstad. And you and I will be spending a lot of time together. A lot. Of. Time.[/color]" Ozzy knew her name finally atleast. Her look while predatory claiming him, he found himself suddenly forgetting the defeat. Spending time with Margaret. He raised his hands with a shrug and a cheeky grin. [color=gold]"Deals a deal. I'm all yours."[/color] Hopefully it wouldn't be as bad as it was suggested. And that was that, Ozzy had lost but it wasn't going to be a total loss. He intended to follow her, letting her poke and prod him and hopefully he could engage in a little conversation with her during the festival... however. "[color=tan]Is there somewhere you want to go, Sir Skyway? You can take me anywhere you like.[/color]" Ozzy was wide eyed, taken aback. This already wasn't going like he thought. Maybe her extremeness from before was only a front, and she was a bit more interested in discussion rather then experimentation, each were fun, having their own pros and cons. [color=gold]"Are you hungry Margaret? I c-can call you Margaret right? I was thinking one of those delicious funnel cakes." He made sure to pat his wallet, thank goodness he had some money on him. Maybe just maybe this could be a d- [@Restalaan] "Heya Ozzy! Did Ozzy win the smartest competition?" The familiar voice caused Ozzy' feathers to switch as he saw the approaching hobgoblin, seeing his form come forward. It brought a smile to Ozzy's face. [color=gold]"Hey Ditzy. I'm afraid not."[/color] He held up his hands as if introducing Margaret. [color=gold]"Behold the superior scholar in all her glory."[/color] he attempted to flatter. [color=gold]"Hope so. We were just-"[/color] Then Ditzy introduced himself to her and with that Ozzy's smile kind of wavered. He had appreciated the fact that he was special in a few fleeting moments where a bunch of females were clammering for his attention, and now all of a sudden, here comes another one, and already he made a more direct introduction then what Ozzy was able to do. He felt a sudden surprising pang of jealousy and threat. He didn't know why... [color=gold]"Fraid not. We just finished here. I was going to find them afterwards, but I promised her to show her around. I'm sure Freyr won. The others too. I guess I still have alot to learn."[/color] He smiled nervously. [color=gold]"We'll meet up later Ditzy."[/color] He wanted a bit of alone time for a conversation.