There was a buzzing sound, one which hadn't been hear in years. It was the only reason Jynmi was able to be out of bed before noon, which was his normal time for it. He was on his feet, looking around like a wild animal, in seconds. For these first several minutes, the world was utter confusion. He hadn't the slightest idea of where he was, or why he was there. Once he remembered there was still a moment of confusion, but the what turned to why. It didn't last long though, and he quickly accepted his decision. "And so it begins." He said as he turned around from the window towards the sea to look at the uniform he ironed and hung the night before. "Alright. Let's get this over with." He dressed quickly, and had a light breakfast of toast, eggs, and orange juice. He forgot to grab a bag of pokemon food before the boat left the docks so his pokemon ate the same things he did, and then right back into their balls. There was a mirror in the restroom that he thought of looking at after he brushed his teeth, but he decided there was enough shock to the system for one day. He grabbed his balls, and hurried out the door. He didn't know his way around the boat very well. He had spent most of his time locked up in his room. Add to that the crowd of people that seemed bent on getting in his way. He did his best to be polite, but with some people, more than you'd think, considering his size, were just stubborn. So he pushed, and nobody complained, while he was within hearing distance. Luckily, he just needed to head towards the back of the boat, and he found the room. At least he thought it was the room, but he wasn't certain, right away. "Uhm." Jynmi mumbled, and looked around. There was a few people already inside, and one of them was balled. "Oh good." He walked up to the bald man, because he remembered someone bald being in charge. "This is the ranger's meeting, right?"