[center][color=ec008c][b][h3]Astrad Lungren[/h3][/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TZtQTA4.jpg[/img] [b]Levittown[/b][/center] Astrad frowned as the members of Hydra swarmed out of the houses in Levittown like a horde of ravenous beasts, or at least, that was what he thought of them. Cold air coalesced around his hands as Astrad brought his Inhuman power to bring to bear, glaring at the Squidheads that were starting to surround them completely in the street. [color=ec008c]"Hell Hydra..."[/color] Sharp daggers of ice formed into existence all around the group as he used his cryogenic powers once again, glinting with the light of the sun and smoking with water vapor emanating from their utterly cold forms. At the same time, Astrad took the fist of solid ice, withdrawing it from the blasted ruins of the house that he had dented a while ago. It floated menacingly as the ice daggers struck forth unto the nearest Hydra members that were trying to rush the four of them in there, stabbing or impaling no less than six of the Hydra grunts. As their squidly blood spilled out unto the sun kissed pavement, Astrad sent his floating ice fist to plow through another seven, mashing them against a wall like sardines being squeezed into a can. However, their numbers were still very high. Barely a dent. With the situation getting more dire, he took out his phone and pinged Agent Sitwell. [color=ec008c]"Agent Sitwell, this is Lungren, Levittown is a HYDRA nest and the three UFOs from earlier are friendlies... where is that secondary team? We are surrounded!"[/color]