Lucien grins. This isn't a dream, this is something far stranger. [i]Fascinating![/i] Now he's having [i]fun[/i]. Let's assess the situation, shall we? The archer isn't the Angel, and this market isn't a food court, but they have a sort of... thematic consistency don't they? Abandoned food stores, enemy with a deadly ranged attack and a death motif - but this one he trusts is a bit more [i]real[/i]. Maybe he's not in the right place yet, but he's closer to it. Mostly because this new presentation comes bearing train imagery, and he's aware of what the bloody things can do to your head. It explains a few things. Fight or flight: Does he take this one, since it's not as scary as its last iteration as an Angel - or does he keep trying to run away? See how the world reacts? He throws himself into half-decent cover and draws his revolver, considers it. [i]Bloody useless thing[/i]. He buys time while he thinks - just says whatever's on his mind for a moment while he hunkers, hoping the archer thinks harder about what he's saying than he is. "You have the nicest collection of bones I've seen in a dog's age, don't you, Chuck? Where'd you get all those? Me, I grow my own, but I've never thought about making a necklace out of 'em. Seems like it'd hurt. You're going to have to tell me where you got the idea. You got a tailor? I'm looking for a new one. Actually, Chuck - you don't mind if I call you Chuck, right? You just look like a Chuck to me - you know where I could get a new pair of good boots? I'm thinking [i]waterproof[/i] this time, and you seem like you'd know!" [Look Closely - 4+3+2=9: What is going on here/What do my senses tell me, What will happen if I Get Away again, What in this environment could help or hurt me? I find one of these out the hard way. (Frankly, I deserve it)] [Bad Feeling: What's the fastest and what's the safest way out of this?]