[@Hammerman][@KillamriX88] Lise's smile shifted ever so slightly. An ornery boy who was part of the girls' entourage decided to make his lack of class known to all. If he was close to the crimson dressed one, it was clear that he was simply exploiting her lack of awareness on her state of dress for his own sick benefit. He also spouted some delusion about blowing Lise up - which was preposterous, of course, because Lise would have remembered engaging in single combat against someone so uncouth. Perhaps it was something that only he, and no other, could have considered a victory. It was sad to see such things espoused in public - no doubt even the commoners in the crowd swelled with pity for the poor boy. Lise would have had him evicted from the ball - and, of course, introduced to her castle's oubliette, if this happened in her homeland - had the crimson-dressed girl not spoken up. At least she was perfectly cordial - it made Lise wonder what she saw in her loud friend. Lise gathered herself for a moment, letting the flare of annoyance in her chest settle, before replying to the girl, "[color=pink][b]If your... [i]friend[/i] would prefer to dance first, that is understandable.[/b][/color]" Lise intentionally refused to face the boy as she spoke, and added, "[color=pink][b]Perhaps he is simply worried I would steal you away?[/b][/color]" before laughing in a way that only a wealthy princess such as herself could.