Adam could feel the force emanating behind him, but he dare not take his eyes off his opponent. When Kijani's hands shot forward, the walls buckled and groaned, and even Vader took a step back. Adam felt the dark side radiating off Kijani, and knew he wasn't in a much better place. "Two Jedi children." Vader said as he righted himself. "I sense great fear in both of you. Give into it, and you may overwhelm me." The expression on the man's face couldn't be seen, but Adam got the impression that he was smiling. Before saying another word, he rushed forward, saber raised. Adam moved to block and the two lightsabers crackled and hummed. Adam was forced to use both of his hands while Darth Vader seemed to be lazily holding onto his weapon. He was toying with them, and Adam knew it. Vader could end this fight at literally any time he wanted, so why was he trying to stall? Adam tried to push away and tried to attack, but the Dark Lord casually batted away his every attempt before bringing his hand out. The dark side of the force filled the room, and Adam felt himself being lifted off the floor. His windpipe began to collapse, and all he could do choke. Before he blacked out, he could hear another lightsaber activating and a figure rushing for Vader. In surprise, Vader loosened his grip on the young Jedi. "Master Kenobi. At last." said Vader, turning to face the new threat. "I'm glad that you finally arrived." The aged Jedi master simply took up a guard position.