[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200804/80fa5ec9757878a4ab6ccd72a13a4da5.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/62e6b6fe8f55bb4cc90708b93aca3166796eabd8/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f626f323071473174616b626e73773d3d2d3835363136313631382e313630303561383562646636303864623438303939323239393939332e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [sub][color=FCEEF0]Mentions: [color=00A651]Sam[/color] [@HaleyTheRandom][/color][/sub] [color=F29CA3]______________________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/center] [color=FCEEF0]Alexis was enjoying watching the game unfold in front of her- spin the bottle was fun! Everyone seemed to be getting into it too, which helped make it more exciting. What was most fascinating was that Savannah had the balls to stick it to Nicholas after their kiss. Maybe it was mostly alcohol fueled, but she still thought it was badass. Although not the brightest, the blonde easily picked up on the fact that there was more than meets the eye when it came to the situation. She couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at the predicament Nicholas had found himself in and the girl was almost thankful that he had denied her earlier on in the semester so that she didn’t have to deal with his schtick. Not acknowledging the awkward scene that had just occurred, Alexis reached out to grab the bottle and admired it before gracefully flipping her wrist and sending it spinning in the middle of the circle. Her guess was as good as anyones what order they were going in, so she just decided it was her turn since she really wanted to go. When else do you get the chance to kiss someone random? The girl’s eyes lit up as it swirled, mesmerizingly catching the lights hung up around the room as it decided who her suitor would be. It slowed and nearly landed on herself, but eventually came to a stop in front of the person directly next to her. With a smile, Alexis looked up at Sam. [color=F29CA3]“Guess you’re going to get that kiss after all.”[/color] Without any hesitation and ever so gently, the blonde leaned in towards the dark haired boy, grazing his lips with hers before connecting them. Fireworks went off in her head as she deepened the kiss, her eyes closing as she enjoyed the moment they were currently sharing. Only a few minutes earlier when they stood in the kitchen she didn’t want to come on too strong, but now was the opportune moment to show him that she was truly interested in exploring something with him. Her hand drifted up to cup his face, his sharp jawline pressing into her palm, and as she moved her lips away she kept her hand there and opened her eyes. Alexis took in Sam’s features from up close, letting the edges of her mouth curve up into a smirk as they stayed there like that for a moment. It took someone nudging the blonde’s shoulder for her to be brought back to reality, the person wanting the bottle for someone else to go and not hold the game up. It was almost like the two were in their own little world before they got interrupted, one where things were perfect. Or maybe that was just the alcohol making the room kind of blurry. A small laugh escaped her lips and she handed it off to them before whispering to Sam only loud enough for him to hear. [color=F29CA3]“Looks like we both got what we wanted.”[/color][/color]