[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200801/1feff4d45c38eae1315e288c427dc5a6.png[/img][/center] Eclipse watched as the RainWing stepped out from the cage and Aardwolf picked up a loose chain that was attached to the clamp around her neck. He didn't think she'd be able to do much or be able to get very far with all that metal weighing her down, but she was their best chance of getting the information they needed. As distasteful as it was to have her chained up like some kind of feral beast the glare she shot Aardwolf was enough to make him at least somewhat grateful that they had a guard with them for this. Eclipse leaned his head down slightly as Dreamseeker whispered to him. [color=ed1c24][b]"It is. Queen Ember never did anything like this, not for something so petty as theft. She would maybe make them pay a fine or do something valuable to the kingdom, but she never chained anyone up."[/b][/color] He did feel bad for this dragon, [color=ed1c24][b]"I think I'm happier with her being chained up, at least for now, she looks like she wouldn't hesitate to rip all of our scales off to get out of here."[/b][/color] At Drought's impatient clap and words he jumped slightly before hurriedly following after her, back through the narrow tunnel behind her tent and into the main oasis area of The Scorpion Den. He could hear the faint clanking of chains behind them as Aardwolf dragged the RainWing forward with them. He bowed his head towards Drought as she walked back towards her tent, [color=ed1c24][b]"Thank you for helping us. Giving us a prisoner and one of your own guards to help escort is very kind of you."[/b][/color] He let Aardwolf take the lead with the RainWing as they journeyed back through the streets to the healer's tent. Several other SandWings were giving them odd looks, but thankfully no one tried to stop them and ask any questions, not even the ornery guards that heckled them earlier. As he stuck just his head back into the open flap of the tent he could see most of the other injured dragons had settled down to sleep and Viper was sorting through supplies at the back of the space nearby where Skua laid. He shifted uncomfortably at the thought of having to tell him they'd be saddled with more dragons, at least he knew Aardwolf was somewhat capable and should be a valuable ally. He turned to face Dreamseeker, [color=ed1c24][b]"Maybe let me tell him about all this? I think he'll take it better if it comes from me rather than any of the rest of you."[/b][/color]