"I have heard that bravery is much like beauty." Ithica said, whipping her head a bit like a proud stallion to get some of her hair's fringe out of her field of vision. She looked like she had decided to relax a bit on the drinking for a short moment. "It's in the eye of the beholder. I can't tell you how many times someone has thought I were brave when I was being foolish, or foolish when I was being brave. Perhaps it takes a bit of both to be a true hero." She turned Kane's way, smiling casually. "I don't think anyone would know that more than you, you big grunt." The Draconic Knight seemed distracted, watching over the crowd like a hound that had just caught a scent. Mira would catch the scent of sulfur in the air, supposedly coming from Kane's nostrils as small points of smoke wafted from them. It was extremely difficult to tell if he was angry or something else, but it was at just that moment when an older Dwarf walked out of the crowd. Mari would recognize him as the one that had been talking to the younger man Ithaca had mentioned before. The Dwarf looked like a well traveled adventurer, with a gleam of mischief in his eyes and a relatively lithe build (for a Dwarf). There was no real chance of knowing why he had approached, unfortunately, as Kane and the fellow began conversing in a strange, foreign language. Though it seemed they were on even friendly terms than Kane and Ithaca, which likely made some sense. Ithaca and Kane likely traveled a lot, just not together, happening to meet here often to trade stories and news from distant lands. The prospective daughter of Rán would see the Dwarf wave for the Drogator to follow him, and the big one would stomp through the crowd with the Dwarf. "Knowing Orek, they're likely about to go on some fool's errand deeper in the forest." Ithaca said, more to herself than Mari. Remembering the younger woman was still there, Ithaca cleared her throat. "Sorry, I get distracted." Her eyes went back to the departing two. "It's my job to know who is going where so I can save their ass if need be, or at least report missing persons. Not that those two are helpless. Po neither, if I know him." Ithaca decided to start drinking again, taking another long, hardy sip. Her biceps prominent from the simple movement. "Anyway, I doubt you'd care on what they're doing. How long do you plan to stay in town?" [@Luminosity]