[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rd37I2t.png[/img][hr][/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qPADKvc.png[/img] [sup][i]One of the many advertisements for cybernetics.[/i][/sup][hr][color=2e2c2c]..................................................................................[/color][/center][/cell][cell][indent]Cybernetics... the world has had differing opinions about the matter of self augmentation, but cybernetics is considered to be the next step in human evolution. As the scientists and big wigs say; the biological ceiling has been reached and evolution must be achieved through technology. That step is cybernetics and it is quite a common sight on the streets of where ever you are. The H+ corporation is the lead in all cybernetics and they claim that they can remove all limitations, solve all problems, and make you into your best self. In the aftermath of the Judgement war, a large majority of mankind ended up with crippling birth defects, mutations and injuries. This is where cybernetics come in, if someone's leg is deformed to the point where they can't walk on it; they cut it off and replace it with something better. Cybernetic limbs, organs, and more are all the gateway to nearly limitless possibilities for expanding the human body through technology. Most cybernetics place themselves shoulders above mere prosthetics by being linked to the human neural network, and allow them to act as a replacement limb - Minus the sensation. Some cybernetics are hidden under false flesh but many have their cybernetics out exposed for the world to see. These cybernetics ranges from the civilian grade machinery (replacement limbs, etc) to the heavy-duty military cybernetic that makes someone superhuman. In theory, [i]anyone[/i] has access to these cybernetics however they are extremely expensive, with even the cheapest cybernetic replace capable of putting a family in heavy debt. The H+ organization offers payment plans for these cybernetic enhancements, but at the catch of it being "repossessed" if someone misses a payment. These repossessions can be very... brutal, at times.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table][indent]A large majority of the human culture has been conditioned to accept cybernetics except for a few pockets which sees them as... intrusive at the very best. Cybernetics has become commonplace and mainstream due to the constant and very subtle dehumanization of man and pushing for cybernetics to become the best you. Apart of this has been how people with certain cybernetics are a bit more marketable to corporations than others. However, the job market fluctuates constantly and people become obsolete at the flick of a wrist. One major issue with cybernetics is the pricing, as these machines are [i]extremely[/i] high maintenance. A cyborg needs to constantly update and receive tune-ups or else their cybernetics will fall into disrepair. For cybernetics that takes the place of organs, this can be extremely important. Missing one tune up can be the difference between life and death. When people receive cybernetics in childhood, they have to get replacements as they grow or else they'll look lopsided. The other enormous issue with cybernetics is rejection. Obviously adding a foreign object onto the body is not going to come without the dangers. The body will interpret these cybernetics as a hostile organism and attack it, blocking out neutral signals and causing seizures. It's different from person to person, however, some people have to constantly live with the fear of their cybernetics failing and having a seizure. There's a large number of different medications and ways to upset this but they are not perfect. Some people don't suffer from this but they are [i]extremely[/i] rare and constantly studied... and most people wouldn't even know because they don't even risk not taking the drugs. The most advanced cyborgs are combat cyborgs that are line of the line soldiers employed by the corporation with all sorts of abilities. These people are more machine than man and are capable of feats that are beyond human... however, they are rare and near impossible for anyone but the richest to obtain.[/indent] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wChSCB6.png[/img][hr][hr][/center][hider][table][img]https://i.imgur.com/bQyhcrs.png[/img][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FatGP3F.jpg[/img][hr][color=2e2c2c]...............................................................................................[/color][/center][/cell][cell][indent][b]Ai, Android, and Automoton[/b] (or [b]Triple A[/b]), is a collective term for self operated beings. Despite technically being three different types of being, they are placed under the same category due to the fact that they are powered by different artificial bits of intelligence. AAA is a term tossed around referring to these beings from time to time, but they treated as separate beings. This term is used because some AAA's don't have physical bodies or designed to appear human. [b]Artificial Intelligence[/b] (or AI) is treated as the backbone of AAA, and without AIs robots are incapable of independent and self-operated movements. AIs are self-operated and self-aware computer programs with near-limitless capabilities and are insanely diverse. AIs are used day to day by the citizens of the corporations for simple tasks as more or less being a living search bar, calendar/reminder, or being an opponent in a videogame. While some AIs are incredibly simple, there are more advanced artificial intelligence capable of learning, having personalities, and storing information. There are some concerns about some AIs going out of control and the creation of new AIs is [i]heavily[/i] regulated by the corporations. One trick about AIs is that they can be uploaded and downloaded from one system to another.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table][indent]Next up are [b]Automotons[/b] and they are machines at their most basic. They might be modeled after the human body but most automatons are designed for a specific purpose without any regard to aesthetics. Automatons are incredibly varied in their design, looks, and purpose but generally are made to be easily identifiable. In terms of intelligence, they also vary widely depending on their purpose with those with more complicated tasks given more advanced artificial intelligence. While it's possible to place an advanced artificial intelligence into a simple machine some of them literally [i]can't[/i] handle an AI that advanced. Many automatons are treated like trash and slaves but some are intelligent as humans and find themselves on the fringes of society. Automatons are generally made to do the tasks that are too dangerous for humans or jobs that are undesired by humans. Finally, there are [b]Androids[/b] (Often nicknamed [b]Andys[/b]) are above Automatons as they are designed to appear human. They are an uncommon sight but some are designed so well that they are physically indistinguishable from humans. Andys are usually given the most advanced and human-like artificial intelligence, but despite of this, they are usually limited to one task. Androids are designed for a large number of reasons, mostly because they lack human limitations and can work theoretically forever. A lot of the major corporations employ Androids as secretaries and other help, but a lot of Androids are used as a security force and their human-like appearance makes them seem less threatening than Automatons. Many Androids have free will and are no different than humans in a lot of ways.[/indent] [table][img]https://i.imgur.com/PrIJ6nk.png[/img][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/snnFD6J.jpg[/img][hr][color=2e2c2c]...............................................................................................[/color][/center][/cell][cell][indent]The Judgement War created a lot of problems that the future civilizations have to come to grips with. The Mutants are on top of that list, as they are either created from pollution or are the leftover bio-organic weapons from the war. Some of which are former humans, but anything organic from animals, to plants, can become mutants. They have varying amounts of intelligence... and aggressive, and they make roaming the Wilds dangerous. The Corporations - usually - never have to deal with them in their territory but there have been reports of mutants in the sewers or being brought in by the criminal factions. The cities on the edges of the wilds have to deal with the Mutants the most. However, not all of the mutants are dangerous, some are kept as pets for people in the wild. The humans that are mutated can possibly get their mutations removed and replaced with cybernetics. However, these mutants are more susceptible to cancer and other genetic diseases. However, some are massive monsters that barely retain intelligence or memory of their old lives, and are dangerous enough to be on par with combat cyborgs. However, they barely go past twenty or so feet in height and are no match for a Shell or a Bastion.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table][/hider][indent][/indent]