[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/amBIpG6.png[/img][hr][/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/OGMqegY.jpg[/img][hr][color=2e2c2c]...............................................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][indent]The Shells are the high-tech fighting vehicles that the universe is named after. Shells were developed pre-Stormrise and were such a huge factor in the Judgement War that they more or less became the deciding factor in battles. As they carry extraordinary firepower and strength and are backed by a good pilot, they can easily take an army alone. All Shells are about five to fifthteen meters tall.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table][table][row] [color=2e2c2c][sup][h3][b] ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ [right]▅▅▅▅▅▅[/right] [/b][/h3][/sup][/color] [/row][row][cell][indent]Shells have many pieces to them, but they are generally bipedal (but some Shells are quadrupedal, or even have tank treads or are jets). They have various parts to them, a cockpit, generator, targeting controls, etc. Shells are highly sought after pieces of technology, with pilots being treated as masters of the battlefield. One of the main strengths of Shell is its customization. Pilots can customize their Shell units to fit their needs. From being a heavy-weapons bruiser to a lightning-fast sniper, the main strength of the Shells is their versatility. However, that comes with the weakness of having a hefty price attached to them. Shells are incredibly expensive, and hard to upkeep. Only the top corporations can reliably maintain their team of Shell pilots, or hire mercenaries from WOLFHOUND LLC. Shell pilots are hard to come across. As Shell is a difficult and expensive piece of technology, not everyone gets a chance to pilot one. The best way to become one is through the corporations, who will give a worthy member of their fighting force a chance of becoming a pilot. However, a pilot has to go through a series of at least twenty tests before they're even let near it. Which means that only the best of the best are allowed to become Shell pilots. Despite the vast array of customization, there are quite a few features that are consistent between all the Shells. For starters, height. Most Shell models are thirty meters in height, with some being shorter, or larger. The standard Shell unit is bipedal, with some having four legs. Shell models are generally capable of holding four weapons (with the option to have two extra backup weapons); weapons held in hands, and weapons mounted on the back (shoulders) of the Shell. These can be any weapon, but some pilots omit to give their Shells a large number of weapons due to weight, and costs. Also, no Shell can use all weapons at once - pilots have to switch from back weapons to handheld weapons. Due to the market demands, almost every corporation produces parts and weapons for Shells. Free to sell to all with pockets big enough to purchase them. However, most Shell parts are used in their own Shell units, with a small amount sold to the general market.[/indent][/cell][cell] [h3][color=004DFF][b]COMPONENTS[/b][/color][/h3][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [hider][b]■ Head:[/b] The unit that manages visuals for the Shell unit. Radar, visual sensor, targeting computers, mapping, and missile systems. All units that are extremely important for a Shell unit. However, the Head unit is usually the least armored part of the Core, and generally, the first target needed to cripple one. More Armored. [b]■ Core:[/b] The true heart of the Shell unit; it is where the cockpit is located, and thus the most armored part of the Shell unit. It is the torso and the part that holds the armored core together. It is generally the hardest part of the Shell unit to destroy. In the case of a mission gone awry, the Shell unit comes equipped with an emergency ejection system that allows the pilot to escape. [b]■ Gravity Matrix[/b] A relatively recent invention that allows the Shells to maneuver, the Gravity Matrix controls Shell's gravity and prevents them from collapsing in on their weight. The larger the Shell, the larger the Gravity Matrix. These gravity matrixes are sensitive pieces of technology, and if damaged could greatly inhibit Shell's mobility. What's more, if it's destroyed, then the Shell will go with it. These weak points are heavily armored or shielded, as nobody can afford to lose a shell. [b]■ Arms:[/b] Arm units hold weapons, or in some cases, [i]are[/i] the weapon. Normal arms are designed after the human arm: with five fingers and are designed to grasp either weapons or other objects. There's such a thing as Weapon-arms, which are Shell's weapons themselves, which are powerful at the cost of losing versatility. [b]■ Legs:[/b] Easily the most important component in a Shell; the legs decide the method of movement, and how much weight a Shell can support. There are many different types of legs: Bipedal, Reverse Joint, Quadrupedal, Tank, and Hover. [indent][b]■ Bipedal Legs:[/b] The most common types of leg units, and are considered the jack of all trades when it comes to legs, with load and energy consumption determined by weight. [b]■ Reverse Joint:[/b] Backwards facing legs, and are known for their incredible jumping power, and speed, but low armor, and load. [b]■ Quadrupedal Legs:[/b] High load and capable of heightened stability. However, their main strength is being able to fire cannons while moving, and are almost a must-have for sniper pilots. [b]■ Tank Legs:[/b] Tank legs have the highest armor, and load, out of any Shell unit. Being capable of loading any weapon, and using it even while moving. At the cost of being incredibly slow, large, and lacking the jumping ability of other Shells (Which means they use up more energy by using their boosters). [b]■ Hover Legs:[/b] Agile, and are hovering platforms the Shell is mounted on. They can hover over danger, and can zip around the battlefield. At the cost of having an incredibly low weight limit, and having very low armor.[/indent] [b]■ FCS:[/b] Firing Control System. Mounted in the head of the Shell, it is responsible for targeting (locking on). Several different kinds take into account factors such as distance, lock-on speed, numbers, and so on. [b]■ Boosters:[/b] Boosters are also an important factor when it comes to Shell's mobility. They give Shell units the ability to accelerate to amazing speeds, and without them, their mobility would be limited to walking. Boosters allow Shell units to quickly glide around the area and fly for periods. Factors such as speed, and flight-time depend on the model of the booster, and the generator - as Boosters are dependant on the power output, and efficiency comes at the cost of a weaker thrust. [b]■ Generator:[/b] An essential part of the Shell that provides energy for the Shell. It's composed of two parts: the generator itself, and the Condensers, which dictate the energy storage. Normally, while the generator's energy output is normally enough to power a Shell unit; many Shells use boosters that gradually deplete energy and some Shells use energy weapons that consume power. If a generator outpaces its energy rates, it will shut off all high powered functions until it has reached a threshold. There is also a state where the limiters for generators are disabled and effectively allows a Shell to produce [i]infinite[/i] amounts of energy. This was very risky, as it would cause extreme amounts of damage to the Shell unit, and could disable, or destroy it. Many Shells don't even have the option. [b]■ Radiator:[/b] Shell units can get [i]very[/i] hot, so it's necessary for a cooling system. Heat is generally built up by taking damage, by the environment, and by using the boosters. It quickly cools down the Shell unit to manageable levels, but in the case of overheating, damage to internal systems may incur. At that point, energy is funneled from the generator into the radiator to control its heat. If there isn't enough power, a core overload may occur. [b]■ Weapons:[/b] Should go without saying, weapons are mounted upon a Shell unit to give it the destructive capabilities it's known for. The next section should cover many types of weapons.[/hider][h3][color=004DFF][b]WEAPONRY[/b][/color][/h3][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [hider][h3][color=004DFF][b]HELD-WEAPONRY[/b][/color][/h3][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b]■ Rifles:[/b] The basic, well-rounded, weapon type that most Shell pilots use. It's well-rounded in ammo capacity, fire-rate, damage, and speed. Compared to other weapons, they are not the best, but are cheap and versatile. [b]■ Handguns:[/b] A large, powered up, version of its small arms counterpart. Overall, are bad weapons. With minimal damage and range, they make up for it for being fairly light, and cheap. Besides, their small size allows them to be compacted into the interior of a Shell unit to be used as a backup weapon. [b]■ Machineguns:[/b] One of the most reliable damages dealing weapons, as expected machineguns fire a volley of bullets that do small amounts of damage. At close range, a machinegun can shred an enemy Shell to bits, on the flip side, they are known to be ammo sponges and it can be costly with all the ammo is wasted. [b]■ Shotguns:[/b] Much like their smaller counterparts, shotguns are powerful weapons that spray a volley of slugs that spread from the barrel of the gun. Thus, are best used when in close range as the damage falloff will render them useless at longer ranges but if every slug connects, it can deal with incredible amounts of damage. Due to their short-range; they are best used by faster Shell units and because of their damage, they are best used as Anti-Shell weapons. [b]■ Sniper-Rifles:[/b] Long-ranged and powerful weaponry; sniper rifles are made for engaging opponents at ranges where they cannot fight back. They have very low ammo capacity, so it can be costly if sniper rifles are used widely. Best used with highly agile Shell units that can get into position quickly, and escape. [b]■ Bazookas:[/b] A favorite of heavyweight Shell's, Bazookas don't work on the same principles as their real-life counterparts. It acts similar to a rifle; firing a rocket that travels in an arc. It does insane amounts of damage once it hits, however, the rocket travels relatively slow, and its ammo capacity is low. They are also more suited for heavy-weight Shells due to their size and weight. [b]■ Laser Rifles:[/b] A niche weapon among Shell units. They have the fire rate of machineguns, with the damage of rifles, with the weight of pistols. They fire a series of laser beams that do high damage. They are not connected to a specific ammo supply and are instead supplied by generators. However, they are ill-suited for Shell units that have a heavy reliance on boosters and build up an intense amount of heat if overused. [b]■ Laser Blades:[/b] Forearm attachments that project a stream of energy that cuts through most armor with ease. Laser blades are a staple of most Shell units as they give Shells close quarters damage. Like Laser rifles, they are connected to the generator supply. However, they tend to use high amounts of energy. They are better suited in mobile Shell units, rather than heavier frames. [b]■ Shields:[/b] Similar to blades; solid or energy shields are optional for Shell pilots. However, they've always been niche, a shield can be deployed to cover a majority of the Shell unit and shield it from damage. The difference between normal and energy shields is simple. The energy shields can withstand less damage, and are connected to the generator supply, but can regenerate. Solid shields will break after a while and will need to be repaired but are sturdier. [h3][color=004DFF][b]BACK-WEAPONRY[/b][/color][/h3] [b]■ Missiles:[/b] A mainstay of many Shell pilots, they are back-mounted missile launchers that are guided by the FCS. They guide warheads that track their targets and do insane amounts of damage when they explode. There's a wide variety of Missile types that have a variety of different factors involved. Such as damage, speed, the number of missiles fired, and the tracking ability. You'd rarely find a model that is good in all these areas. However, since Missile systems are such a mainstay for Shell units, there are a variety of different counters. From flares to FCS scramblers, there is a lot that can render a missile system useless. [b]■ Gatling Guns:[/b] Multi-barrelled cannons that are an upgraded version of the machine gun. They have a higher firing rate, high magazines, and deal impressive damage to targets. Two Gatling guns can easily destroy an unprepared Shell. However, they require most Shell units with legs other than tanks and quads, to stop and kneel - thus limiting their effectiveness. Also, they are incredibly heavy, costly, and tend to overheat. [b]■ Laser-Cannon:[/b] Not quite a larger version of the laser-rifle like Gatling-Guns are to Machine guns. They are large weapons that fire powerful beams, or blasts of energy, with no ammo limit in mind. They do insane amounts of damage, overheat other Shell units, and some models even can disrupt generator output. While they aren't as heavy as other back-mounted cannons, they have an extreme consumption of energy. Only the best generators can consistently use them - their fire-rate is terrible. Also, most Shell models have to kneel in other to use them. [b]■ Sniper-Cannon:[/b] Beefed up versions of sniper-rifles, and are generally considered vastly superior by sniper Shells. They are large cannons that need to be deployed (except for those with tank and quadrupedal legs) to fire. However, they are capable of dealing insane amounts of damage - with the heaviest sniper cannons being able to destroy a lightly armored Shell with one well placed one shot. Even though they have to be deployed, that's considered to be enough of an advantage to be worth it. However, they have very slow firing rates and very low ammo pools. Which means every shot has to count. [b]■ Howitzers:[/b] Unique weapons in away. They are large cannons mounted on the back of a Shell unit that fire powerful rockets in a linear fashion. Much like bazookas, but much stronger. Unlike the other back-mounted weapons, they do not require the Shell to be deployed and can be used on the run. However, they are extremely heavy, the heaviest of the back-mounted weapons, and are very expensive. While they can destroy large groups of enemies and ravage Shells, the rockets are also very slow, and will not hit a fast-moving target. They are best suited for slow or immobile targets.[/hider] [/cell][/row][/table] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k88ou0l.png[/img][hr][/center][hider][table][img]https://i.imgur.com/oyWgEFv.png[/img][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ta7GU6R.jpg[/img] [hr][color=2e2c2c]...........................................................................................[/color][/center][/cell][cell][indent] BASTIONS... legendary weapons. Bastions are, as the name implies, massive mobile fortresses super weapons deployed by the Corporations after being developed in secret. Once the Corporations began their grand offensive against the nations of the world, they were widely successful with not a single Bastion being destroyed. Since then, the Bastion always saw usage as a means of maintaining control over their territory and persuading other corporations from attacking them. Bastions are incredibly powerful weapons capable of giving a squad of Shells a problem. They are the only form of weaponry above the powerful Shells. However, they are still capable of falling to a well-prepared and equipped team of Shells (with rumors having it that a single Shell once defeated a Bastion). Bastions come in many shapes and sizes and can be ground-bound, airborne, or a sea-vessel. Every major corporation has at least two Bastions, with more being developed. However, they are a point of controversy and contention, as many want a limit placed on the amount of Bastion each Corporation may have.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table] [table][img]https://i.imgur.com/TfYSGSG.png[/img][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QNFpOcw.jpg[/img] [hr][color=2e2c2c]...............................................................................................[/color][/center][/cell][cell][indent]With the rise of the new world order and the brand new golden of technology, new forms of transportation were invented. The most popular of them being the Airship. Airships are not quite Bastions but are self-propelled vehicles that are a mixture of the speed and maneuverability of airplanes and with the size and carrying capacities of ships. They are equipped with Gravity Matrixes so they are capable of these feats without collapsing in on themselves or falling. However, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes and have a bunch of different purposes. Such as the civilian sector in which they are transported for both cargo and people, and the military sector in which they serve the same purposes but are often outfitted with weaponry.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table][indent]They are a quite common sight going from one place to the other, but because of how common they are; Airship Pirating has become a thing. Where airships are attacked by pirates when they enter the Wilds and looted of their wares. This was remedied by arming the crew and providing escorts to the Airships. However, this isn't a cure and some pirates get inventive... or crazy.[/indent] [/hider]