[center][img]https://images.cooltext.com/5182144.png[/img][/center] Brutus stood waiting out at the front gate, waiting for Diana to arrive. As he glanced around, he noticed that some of the people were in full-on costumes, instead of just masks. [color=007fff][i]'It seems someone has been spreading some mischief around...'[/i][/color] he noted. As he did so, he glanced down at his suit. Why had he decided to wear such a garish suit? He wasn't sure. Not that the mask he'd chosen was much better... oh, well. Still, as he waited for Diana, he let his mind wonder over everything that had happened recently. It seemed to him as though his life just got more and more troublesome by the day. The next thing he knew, someone would be attacking the ball. [color=007fff][i]'Okay... note to self: if the ball is attacked, kick my own ass.'[/i][/color] After a fireworks show (which was rather impressive. The organizer of this ball had certainly gone all out), everyone started to head inside. Brutus, however, decided to hang around and wait for Diana. [hider=Brutus' costume and mask] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3c/69/4c/3c694c1c3428d896f83364a8f561f793.jpg[/img] (minus the green face, obviously) [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fantendo/images/4/4b/Phanto_New_Render_1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20180702052853[/img] [/hider] [center][img]https://images.cooltext.com/5182140.png[/img][/center] Yuuto, meanwhile, had arrived and found Bak relatively easily. He had borrowed a suit that had belonged to his grandfather in his school-aged days. His grandfather had told him that it would bring him good luck, as it was the suit he was wearing when he'd met Yuuto's grandmother. Yuuto took the comments and teasing in stride. After all, his clan was family... and you didn't betray family. Still... Yuuto's thoughts were interrupted by Bak's excited squealing. As he followed her attempted pointing (her costume was rather in the way of it), he smiled. It amazed him that someone as 'monstrous' as Bak could find pleasure in the simple things in life. It gave him some small hope that she would never know the darker side of life... Of course, he'd not really talked to anyone about his first attempted kill, the one that had been botched so tremendously by the demon that resided in Kath. Still, Yuuto decided that just for tonight, he would relax and not think of that disastrous mission... Besides, it wasn't like he was unarmed. He'd hidden a few small knives sewn into some discreet hidden pockets. He also had knives that could pop out of his shoes, and senbon hidden in his felt top hat. Shortly afterward, Yuuto got to have a heart attack. [color=CFD3C6]"Help... I need... help."[/color] Yuuto whipped around to see Rurik approaching, before the boy dropped the injured act and held out a fake knife. Yuuto breathed a sigh in relief. However, he then flushed scarlet as Rurik mentioned a date. Was this a date? He wasn't sure. However, he was distracted by Bak. He nodded at her suggestion. [color=lavender]"[i]Hai[/i], Bak-[i]san[/i]. Let us go."[/color] With her gripping his arm, he led her inside. [hider=Yuuto's costume] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sailormoon/images/b/bc/Tuxedo_Mask_-_Anime.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20191031234656[/img] [/hider]