Cassandra waited for Summer to say something, but the other witch kept her trap shut. [color=DCDCDC][i]Oh, fine, girl. If you want to be Little Miss Sulks-a-lot, I sure as hell ain't going to stop you.[/i][/color] The cursewright walked off, heading back to the clearing where the rest of the new coven members were gathered. Finding herself a spot closer to the center of the action, she started setting up her bedroll. As she worked, Kate opened Isolde's spellbook... or at least tried to. The explosion was damned impressive, and though she wasn't directly targeted, Cassandra had to avert her eyes. [color=DCDCDC]"Well done, Kate. I trust you've learned not to go poking around in other people's stuff?" [/color]She simply [i]had[/i] to do something similar to her purse when she got back to the coven house. Maybe making the hands of anyone else who reached where the weren't supposed to rot off? The blonde started to brainstorm ideas for her hexes as she drifted off to sleep- not exactly the healthiest thing to be thinking of, but it got her through the night.