Mentions: [@Silver Carrot] [color=f7941d]"Well hey if I can make someone smile its worth it in my opinion. There's no room in the world for more complaining, and stuff. If I can get a smile or two out of ya its better for the both of us."[/color] Kou says as he grins at her he finishes his food and scratches his head as he listens to her talk for a moment. He wonders just exactly how many people she had already talked to? It was an interesting change of pace to see someone so proactive about going out and meeting people but she had a good point when it came to going out making sure you had someone to talk to. [color=f7941d]"You got a good point Maeda-San school really is a pain in the ass but we're all here to get better. Just gotta be careful with who you choose to talk to you know? Some people are still adjusting and may not be ready to talk like me. May be worth waiting a day or two for everyone to get settled down into the route so to speak. But by all means keep going. I think you've got a good idea going."[/color] Kou thought for a moment longer as he considered what he should say about class? It was...different so far but he hadn't experienced enough to form a proper opinion. [color=f7941d]"Got to be honest with you I don't really got a real opinion. Think Teach has a lot of faith in us, and she wants to help us but...I can't exactly say if she's going to do a good job yet. Some people respond differently regarding how class is taught, and it being the first day I don't want to give her too much praise or too little. I'd say I have faith in our teacher, and our class to give it their best. That sounds about fair right?"[/color] Kou scratches his head wondering just exactly she wanted him to say.