[color=lightgray][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [h3][color=8dc73f][i][b]Amelia Payne[/b][/i][/color][/h3][i][b][color=8dc73f]Location:[/color][/b][/i]Mess Hall (C) [i][b][color=8dc73f]Skills:[/color][/b][/i] N/A [/cell][cell] [right][img]https://ilarge.lisimg.com/image/15361079/200full-katherine-mcnamara.jpg[/img][/right] [/cell][/row][/table][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][/color] Amelia looked at Nigel, a bit confused for a moment before realizing what was what with his comment about sticking to real swords. She let out a small chuckle.[color=8dc73f]” No worries. It’s confusing to listen to us probably, I’d imagine and we weren’t making the best attempts at describing the game properly to people who haven’t played..” [/color]She added, feeling just a tad bit ashamed of it. [color=8dc73f]“I will have to get more details, but I’d love to join up with a game. It’s been… I think almost too long since my last game of D&D.”[/color] Amelia quietly said, stuffing a mouthful of food into her mouth. This was bringing good memories, chatting nerdy things with people, but also those good memories were causing her to feel a certain unpleasant sensation. The one of the loss of that life. She had accepted their new lot in this world, but it still felt bittersweet to remember those moments of the past. She snapped back to attention when she was told to go to the library at lunch.[color=8dc73f]” Alright, will do in the upcoming few days… maybe a week. I still getting used to everything here.”[/color] [color=8dc73f]“More or less… at least from what I gathered… Ohh and the dog ended up with Nikki. So… I got an unexpected encounter with the hellhound at work today when she brought it to Supply. I kinda freaked out for a moment at that point… Me and hellbeasts don’t mix well...” [/color]She mumbled at the end and started to peel her orange.[color=8dc73f]” I have an easier time with lil ones… bit ones just…”[/color] Amelia didn’t finish her sentence, refusing to further on think about those creatures of evil. Ohh what a curious turn of events.[color=8dc73f]” So you are working with Lisa? I see. Glad you a good day at work.” [/color]She nodded and tilted her head a bit in a confused manner when the topic moved on to Nikki’s absence.[color=8dc73f]” Ahh… well we were at the prison and she stayed behind for a little while.” [/color]She simply explained.[color=8dc73f]” Will arrive before long actually. As for me, I’ve had a good day. Work’s nice and people are nice too. Auntie, Nikki, the other ladies at supply and so on. They’ve all been very kind and helped me out a lot.”[/color] She replied with happy voice and a shy smile. Now she was only looking forward to meeting up with Riley in a little while and spending the rest of the evening with her. [color=lightgray][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [h3][color=f7941d][i][b]Lisa Mason[/b][/i][/color][/h3][i][b][color=f7941d]Location:[/color][/b][/i] Mess Hall(C)→Outside of Mess Hall(C) [i][b][color=f7941d]Skills:[/color][/b][/i] N/a [/cell][cell] [right][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ea372190-9c52-42ea-b1c9-58f23dc57ca7.png[/img][/right] [/cell][/row][/table][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][/color] [color=f7941d]“I’ve mentioned it in the past as well, you know I love building walker traps.”[/color] Lisa replied with a shrug.[color=f7941d]” And yes, kill of the week would be glorious, but honestly I don’t ever see General or honestly anybody down the chain of command approving of the idea. Probably would be deemed too dangerous for anybody not on a team outside the walls.”[/color] She sighed and she did understand where such arguments would come from. [color=f7941d]“Now for a Most Creative Ways to Trap a Walker, I’d say that might gain more traction.” [/color]Lisa mused, rubbing her chin in thoughtful manner.”[color=f7941d] I mean, it wouldn’t require anybody to be put in danger really if it’s in the form of a contest with descriptions and schematics of the trap or plan they have in place. If we go with simple killing them in creative ways, I fear we’d stumble upon the dreaded safety regulations once more. So what do you think, a contest about creative walker traps? Would you participate? Maybe we’d be able to convince the higher ups to actually setup and try the winner along with some prize of some kind. And I do agree that would allow for people some more varied entertainment. That and we can also indeed compile a guide book with the better ideas.”[/color] Lisa shrugged and peeled her orange quickly before standing up, preparing to get going.[color=f7941d]” Well I guess I will see it with my own eyes. She’s cleaning the common room though if she left the doggo there and it’s caused a mess.”[/color] She grinned at DoLittle.[color=f7941d]” See ya later, when I’m not a walking planter. May call you for hte next 'hunt'.”[/color] With a joking grin she walked over to drop off her tray and utensils, before walking out of the building, giving nods of greetings here and there, while eating her orange that she had peeled in advance.