[@Omni5876] If I have only one person to work with, then I have one person to work with. If people don't mind that. Quality over quantity. Honestly, I know it's new and raw and people may not find that appealing to them, which is fair. However, I will openly admit if people cannot give me the brainpower and interest to keep a Roleplay moving then I don't want to be pouring in all the work as a GM for them. People who can engage my world and make me work to keep the world moving is what gives me pleasure. My way of looking at it? It can be intimidating because there is no fandom to bounce off of. But it's very much the same to DnD where you can design a character to a world you may not know much about. I've Roleplayed a lot in worlds like this where you don't know much about the world, and you go into it not sure what to expect and build a story off that. Ask questions, dive into the unknown. Give me your all? And I'll give you every ounce of skill I have because while I run this world? I want you, my roleplayers, to enjoy discovering it.