"How do you do that?" she does not say. Although... Redana isn't here. And Isty has requested that she treat her as an equal. Theoretically then, questions might be allowed? She decides it's worth the risk. Isty probably doesn't know enough about her to target her real weak points, and besides, Vasilia wouldn't make it easy on her either. "How do you do that? How do you... simply accept your purpose like that?" Is she defective? Is that it? Is that why she doesn't want to do the one thing she was designed for? Is that why the Ceronians find it so easy, is because they [i]aren't[/i] broken? It'd be a comforting thought if it didn't seem so impossible. The Warsage [i]and[/i] the very incarnation of perfect War make a mistake when creating her, but the Ceronians are perfect? She studies her feet before continuing. "How do you come to grips with that? With knowing that your sole purpose in creation is war? To destroy on command? Please, I appreciate that I am asking above my station, but I must know."