The man would decide he keep his attention mostly elsewhere, only occasionally glancing over. One time seeing simply her touch seemed to have a stronger reaction on the barrier than what he had been able to conjure up. A worry beset him once more as the gravity of the situation kept sinking in. Surely whatever training he had completed and light he held inside could not prevent her planned eternity of the realm's influence let alone years of it. His grip redoubled on the red ribbon, doing his best to not show his own panic. He was a man now. He was still responsible for all of Shiroiwa. He still had to break free before the next red moon. The thoughts flowed in repetition in his mind, though with the negative side poking its head through all the while. He had barely finished his first ritual. There was no way another Lunari Priest would notice his disappearance in time. He doesn't even know a way out of the cell, how was he planning to escape the entire realm? Sweat slowly started to form and beaded down his head. Worry, concern, even panic. What were his options in this situation? If he acted grateful surely there was no way he'd be let out of the women's sight right? She was overeager and seemed desperate. What did she even mean by in another life? She was a demon, a greater demon even. How would she have been someone he had known before? This had to all be part of their trickery right? Was it acceptance they needed to turn him into their kind or break past whatever protected him inside the realm? There was the 'advice' given by Airi, though mostly it seemed to be a request for her own amusement. At the least she seemed more of looking for something to do than a eternal chain to put about Hikari's neck. Was that a way out? Was that also a trick? He was alone down here beset by two powerful demon women. Isn't this what his entire life had been for? Wasn't it the purpose of Lunari Priests to deal with demons? Why was he letting himself be toyed with and afraid to look at them. Surely with his eyes off of them he was even more vulnerable. Their manner of dress was surely also a trick and something he himself had to look past. As Airi had said, most men couldn't resist her but her form was just... dressed lewdly. On any normal woman it'd be embarrassing surely but it must be something the moon's blessing had made him immune to right? After all, it seemed easier to look away than straight at her. Finally, the man would seem to finally give some pause to himself and his thoughts. His hands would tighten on the ribbon as he pulled it taught, before letting it and his hands rest in his lap. Shifting in place, he'd face the two demons head on. A [i]mostly[/i] neutral expression painted his face. His eyes did their best to politely avert his gaze and his cheeks tried to hide what blush was produced by seeing the women's lack of modesty in appearance. He had some strange plan formed in his head. [color=E03D3D]"Foul and hurtful untruths. Your body and soul is a tainted eternal thing. Why you pull my people down here I do not know. To turn or feast upon our souls? I will not fall in to such."[/color] Hikari seemed to heave steadied his voice mostly. Given his earlier reactions, his resolution could seem surprising, though perhaps it was easier given the literal barrier of safety separating them.